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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » It seems that the most unduly moralizing folks (family first/ morality next) are the very ones who have the most to hide. Why?

It seems that the most unduly moralizing folks (family first/ morality next) are the very ones who have the most to hide. Why?

Ya know the anti-LGBT guy who has  sex with another like himself and is married with kids and pretends he's straight.

The guy who is all about FAMILY VALUES who has a pregnant mistress on the side though married with kids

The louder they protest they more they have to protect/hide. They call undue attention to themselves and so when outed they are joyfully used as evil examples of hypocrites/liars. FOREVER! They never outlive it . Once tainted that is all they ever are or will be. Bill Cosby. Bill O'Reilly. Harvey Weinstein. Roger Ailes. Donald Trump.  Al Franken. Bill Clinton. What stands out about all of them is their sleazy disgusting inexcusable behavior. They will never be able to remove the stain of what they've done. Branded by their own actions. Jeffrey Tambor. George Takei. Ben Affleck. Every day another one  bites the dust.SIGH.

Posted - November 20, 2017


  • 1233
    A person is only a hyocrite if they claim to have virtues they don’t possess.

    Claiming that something is a virtue is not the same as claiming to be a shining example of it.

    Anyone who can live up to the values they believe in, probably has pretty low standards.

    Misusing the word hypocrite is the favourite trick of people who have no moral principles and wish to torpedo all moral arguments. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 21, 2017 11:24 AM MST
      November 21, 2017 11:18 AM MST