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Pest control company owner MARK LEE said he would believe Trump over Jesus. Wouldn't all Trump supporters?

Mark Hall said  he would believe Trump over Jesus even if Jesus got down "off the cross" and said the allegations were true. I think he is batsh** crazy but I don't think he is the only one who believes everything Trump says without question. Do you?

Posted - November 22, 2017


  • 2971
    Too much bug powder.

      November 22, 2017 7:51 AM MST

  • 7809
    Sure, but the thing I never realized is that it's easy for a dumb person to brainwash a large group of dumb people. I guess they all speak the same dumb language. This post was edited by Zack at November 23, 2017 3:28 AM MST
      November 22, 2017 7:56 AM MST

  • 113301
    I just didn't realize there were so many people so desperate for a WHITE savior that they would cleave unto an evil entity like Donald John Trump. It shocks me actually. These Trump adoring worshippers turn away from their religious beliefs just for him. I've never seen anything like it and hope to never see anything like it again. Thank you for your reply Zack and Happy USA Thanksgiving Thursday! :)
      November 23, 2017 3:30 AM MST

  • What this Mark Lee said in his statement about believing Trump over Jesus is in no way indicative of all Trump supporters and for you to even suggest such a thing is asinine. But then saying asinine things is  a trademark of a liberal. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 23, 2017 4:22 AM MST
      November 22, 2017 8:43 AM MST

  • 13395
    All those overly zealous supporters are known as 'Trumpeen Zeitgeists' I am inclined to think. 
      November 22, 2017 11:32 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thanks for the word "Zeitgeist" Kittigate. I have heard of but never looked up the definition. I just did. I guess that's as good a word to use as any. The whole spectacle shocks the he** outta me frankly. Millions of people putting aside religious tenets and common decency to support a sleazy smarmy WHITE saviour.  Didn't think it would be possible but there ya go! Thank you for your reply and Happy USA Thanksgiving Thursday to you and yours Kg! :)
      November 23, 2017 3:33 AM MST

  • 17653
    Why do you care and why would you repeat the riveting story?  Seriously, the edge is getting near.  It's funny to hear you call people bat-shit crazy. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at November 23, 2017 4:22 AM MST
      November 22, 2017 2:43 PM MST

  • 94
    It's nice to see that stupidity sitill exists all well and good. Common sense is not that common is it
      November 22, 2017 4:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    Ya think? I dunno Articfox. That really shocked me. I know that religious folks are setting aside their religious tenets and common decency to support that sleazebag. But to actually say what that guy said? If that isn't evil I don't know what is. Oh well. Thank you for your reply and Happy USA Thanksgiving Thursday to your and yours! :)
      November 23, 2017 3:35 AM MST

  • 11534
    I see you're branching out and adding CNN to your news sources. Problem is, it's almost as biased as MSNBC. 
      November 22, 2017 5:30 PM MST