Discussion»Statements» Having gotten dressed in the complete darkness of his bedroom, Randy realized when arriving at work the color of shirt his wife bought him.
I think he feels like he is wearing this. He is afraid of pink. That speaks volumes.
Rhodophobia Pink
Rhodophobia (from the Greek rhodos meaning rose, a shade of pink) is fear of the color pink, a branch of chromophobia, fear of colors. Pink is a common color to fear because pink is one of the most hated colors, especially by men.
This fear is often associated with or stem from the fear of girls. BWAAHAAAHAAAH
Rhodophobia is often caused by bad experiences involving the color pink, like getting injured by a girl wearing a pink shirt. They would go great lengths at avoiding pink stuff, otherwise they would feel anxious or panic. Symptoms of rhodophobia include heart palpations, breathlessness, nausea, dizziness, and dry mouth. Methods used to treat rhodophobia include behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, exposure therapy, and psychotherapy with hypnotherapy being the most effective option.
Even though phobias are more commonly suffered by women overall, rhodophobia is more commonly suffered by men than by women.