Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Some humans believe being ignored is abhorrent. Other humans don't mind it at all. Which is the strength/weakness? Why?
Being ignored by someone who matters to you is hurtful to most humans. Being ignored by someone you really don't care about doesn't normally affect us unless we are a narcissist. People who spend their lives turning a cold shoulder to others are probably more affected than those they are ignoring. It takes effort to keep ignoring people, but if someone is ignoring us, we may not even notice. Of course, some people (also probably narcissists) have to keep announcing that they're ignoring us, trying to get us to notice. It's pretty funny sometimes.
That's especially true when the reason for ignoring someone is that he or she has proven you wrong time and time again and you're too small-minded or too immature to ever admit it. (The general 'you' is what I mean.) •