Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Running a little behind the pack, keeping pace with or running a little ahead of it. Where are YOU most often? Is it by choice ?

Running a little behind the pack, keeping pace with or running a little ahead of it. Where are YOU most often? Is it by choice ?

Posted - December 11, 2017


  • 10799

    I don’t run with the pack.  The pack revolves around a leader and all must do as that leader says – right or wrong.  Therefore, the pack blindly follows its leader; never questioning, always conforming.  One might say the leader is the pack as the pack mirrors the leader.  I may wear glasses, but I’m not blind.  I refuse to follow someone just because they say to.

    The pack is more concerned with prestige (“Look at us, world, we’re “cool”) than it is with those who’re in it.  I don’t desire prestige.  While it may be true that my not belonging to the pack may mean I have fewer “friends”, it also means that the few I do have like me for me – not simply because I’m associated with the pack.

    The pack thrives on conformity.  “We all do, act, belong to, or have ‘such-and-such’ so that makes us superior”.  Without conformity, the pack will disband.  Dare to be slightly different from the pack and you’ll find yourself thrown out like a piece of trash; ostracized while the pack marches on.  I refuse to conform.  I see myself as an individual (the pack hates individuality).  I may live with the pack (in the same country), but I won’t bow or conform to its ways.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some rebel or maverick.  I’m not out trying to change the world (not that there’s anything wrong with that).  I’m not out there crying, “Look at me world, I’m different”.  I don’t demand that others do or think as I do.  No, that’s pack mentality... and I’m not part of the pack.  I'm simply me.

      December 11, 2017 1:40 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful answer Shuhak. You can be you 24/7 of course. In fact  you have no choice unless you're a phony baloney. Sometimes I'm part of it, sometimes I'm a little behind. I'm rarely ahead. That is to say sometimes I pay attention to it and am interested in what's going on so I tune in. Sometimes I'm otherwise occupied or going in a different direction so I'm not remotely interested. Being in the pack does NOT mean it is forever or even for a day. We're all part of an enormous tapestry in my opinion.  We can "go it alone" or join in or stay on the sidelines and simply observe.  But even when you "go it alone" you really aren't alone. At times I'm curious about what it's like to join in. That's why I'm here on Answermug. Years ago on Answerbag my son was involved in it and invited me to drop by, take a look. I did and I stayed. I would otherwise never have sought out such an association as this. When Answerbag died I moved here. Some of the same folks from Answerbag are here. This is only thing I've ever joined and stayed with. Am I part of the Answermug pack, apart from it and just skimming the surface? Both and neither. Today is a big day in Alabama. Will they vote in the pedophile Roy Moore or will Alabamans refuse to be bullied by the prez who is a sexually perverted deviate/predator/abuser? We'll find out the answer to that. I think the main American pack of humans despise Moore/Trump and all they represent. What the small pack of Alabama voters do will be enormously significant vis a vis the road ahead for we the people. If Moore loses bigly Republicans are in very big trouble. If the pedophile wins thne the world, especially Americans, lose bigly. I don't know how many folks are worried about it frankly. I am. Very. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      December 12, 2017 2:45 AM MST

  • I don't have a pack, but there are one or two people that I make contact with once in a while. I used to have a pack but some drifted away and a lot have passed on. Not having a pack makes for a peaceful life, to me.
      December 11, 2017 2:20 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Lady H and Happy Tuesday.
      December 12, 2017 2:45 AM MST

  • 22891
    depends on whats going on at the time
      December 11, 2017 2:54 PM MST