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Do you think that bullying is a serious issue or is it a media created hype, further propagated by celebrities?

Posted - December 12, 2017


  • It’s a real issue that many children have to deal with. Its not a nice thing to deal with, but a child that overcomes adversity grows up to be a strong adult. Children that are wrapped in cotton wool grow up to be weak adults
      December 12, 2017 2:25 AM MST

  • 3191
    It happens.  Bad things do.  
      December 12, 2017 2:28 AM MST

  • 1812
    It alweys has been an issue,  and I'm happy to see people finally taking notice.  I was bullied much of my school years and it just wasn't taken seriously then.  I had to learn to handle things myself.  I was smaller than most everyone my first several years of school, so I made an easy target.  The so- called school authorities were not much help. 
      December 12, 2017 2:46 AM MST

  • 3375
    It is something you never forget.  I was very passive.  How I wish I had it in me to stand up to that.  
      December 13, 2017 3:01 PM MST

  • 44705
    Of course it's a serious issue, but I don't think it is media hype. It is media awareness.
      December 12, 2017 8:21 AM MST

  • 6098
    People bully to make themselves feel superior or more powerful.  Would be no need to if they had ways of feeling good about themselves and powerful in their lives.  Is as simple as that.  Yes is serious but nothing new or unusual. 
      December 12, 2017 8:28 AM MST

  • It's an issue that is overhyped by the media.   Truth is the only thing worse about it now is the misguided and silly trend of teaching kids to tell someone and expect adults to handle it instead of teaching kids to walk away once, walk away twice, third time HURT THE MOFO.   Kids aren't taught to fight for themselves anymore and they aren't given the option of taking their power back.  It's the insane idea that fighting a bully is wrong and makes them no better than the bully.   Kids aren't taught to stick up for themselves anymore.  Instead be a  victim to preserve a useless and destructive sensitivity.
      December 13, 2017 2:38 PM MST

  • 3191
      December 13, 2017 2:39 PM MST

  • 3375
    I have a few thoughts on this issue.  I do think it's good that bullying and bullies get exposed, but not in such a way that looks like a bunch of self serving bs.    

    With that said, we must teach our children techniques to stop a bully in their tracks.  Some kids never get bullied for a reason.  They aren't "vulnerable" to begin with. In this day and age where a lot of psychological damage can be done, via the internet, this can be a serious concern for someone vulnerable.  Victims are rarely bullied without an audience.

    We all need to teach our children to be kind to others that they may not understand and to be bold and stand up for someone who is afraid to do it for themselves.

      December 13, 2017 2:59 PM MST

  • 5450
    I don't think media and celebrities have anything to do with it.  Teachers and principals encourage bullying by never punishing the bully but suspending the kid who fights back against the bully instead.
      December 13, 2017 4:12 PM MST

  • YUP!
      December 13, 2017 4:14 PM MST

  • 3375
    Happened to my son.  He was bullied all through middle school, some of it physical.  I reported it and nothing was done.  Then the day my son finally swung back, guess who got suspended?  I didn't take that laying down.  I pulled him out of that dump of a school and demanded he be put in a better one in the same district.  I know what my son suffered because I saw it.  

      December 13, 2017 4:25 PM MST

  • 1326
    Bullying is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately and should never be ignored by the parents of the child being bullied, nor should be tolerated by the school. 
      December 27, 2017 11:11 PM MST