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Some people are attracted to the misfits in the world. The crackpots/the weirdos/the unbalanced. Is it becauses they are too?

Folks that were drawn to Charles Manson or Jim Jones or L. Ron Hubbard or Hitler or whomever YOU think is a weirdo crackpot bizarro dude/dudette. Some women write to murderers in jail and marry them. Makes no sense logically but perhaps emotionally it fills some oddball need. Any psychiatrists out there who can opine about it? I understand helping the helpless if/when you can. But supporting/enabling/seeking ou t emotionally bankrupt immoral pureyors of  EVIL? How does that fit  into"normal"?

Posted - December 16, 2017


  • 5391
    What is ”normal”? 

    This is too subjective a term to either entirely exclude or fully include most anyone. “Normal” in Darfur is much different than it is in Des Moines. 

    That said, there is simply no accounting for taste. No rational measure for what resonates with everyone’s views, or what fuels individual reasoning. What about the desire to “break the mold”, or to “think outside the box”; are these not laudable qualities...

    Why are there Westerners who flock to the evil cause of IS? What makes rational adults feel this or that issue is immaterial to their selections in the voting booth? 

    Its about the message, Rosie.
    Whatever that is, if some loon can think it up and sell it, then history has repeatedly shown there can always be found a flock of sheep to graze in that field.  

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at December 16, 2017 8:03 AM MST
      December 16, 2017 7:56 AM MST

  • 113301
    Yep. Right you are sir! Whatever crackpot conspiracy you can think up will attracts crackpots who believe it. You ask "what is normal"? A prez who lies every time he opens his mouth is abnormal. A prez who refuses to acknowledge that a hostile foreign power corrupted our voting system when there are zillions of proofs is not normal. Because of that such prez is doing NOTHING to protect us from future such onslaughts. NOTHING. He doesn't even want to hear the word "Russia". He doesn't read and seems quite proud of it . His staff can't talk to him about Russia. How normal is that? The aditional sanctions imposed on  Russia he signed as he kvetched about it. They are NOT YET implemented and they probably never will be. Is that normal? Everything he is is abnormal in my opinion. Did I answer your question? Thank you for your thoughtful reply Don B and Happy Saturday to thee. The "cut cut cut" bill if it passes will benefit obscenely wealthy folks and remove 13 million people from insurance coverage because the sneaky bast**d Republicans put a rider in the "cut cut cut" bill removing the AHCA mandates. They couldn't repeal the AHCA so they are attacking it in bits and pieces sideways. The doofus DonJohn lies to the people about who will benefit. Is that normal? AARRGGHH! I'm mad as he** and won't take it anymore! Sure. What can an 80 -year-old woman do to take out that scourge/that cancer/that evildoer who has corrupted the office of prez? All I can do is kvetch. So I do.
      December 16, 2017 8:11 AM MST

  • 5391
    One has to acknowledge your commitment, Rosie. 

    I digress.

    I have learned to break subjective terms down to their most functional definitions.
    ”Normal”, in my ever-evolving view, is:
    A condition that resonates with the group, given present company. 

    Abnormal is what the  “other people” do wrong. 
      December 16, 2017 9:20 AM MST

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahah! Touche. C'est vrai! Thank you for your reply Don B. I thank you for the use of the word 'commitment". You could also have said I should be committed. Some folks clearly think that. Entirely different meaning of course though the root word is the same. I feel as if I'm screaming at the top of my lungs and people pass by who neither hear me nor see me. Meanwhile  Doofus Don is dismantling our country piece by piece bit by bit. I see a bifurcated country. On one level things go on as normal. Just below it's another country entirely. Dark and evil and dank with a pervasive stench that gets stronger every day. Still I scream. Still no one hears me or sees me or if they do they just don't care. Nightmare you say? I agree. When will I awaken from it? :( This post was edited by RosieG at December 16, 2017 9:32 AM MST
      December 16, 2017 9:30 AM MST

  • 22891
      December 16, 2017 4:36 PM MST