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I am currently drinking 1lt of water as soon as I get up. Has anyone that has lost weight using this method?

Posted - December 17, 2017


  • 5354
    Dont sound like a good weight loss strategy. As you drink it your stomach is expanded. Water is about the easiest thing to metabolize, it get peed away quite fast, Then you still have that expanded stomach telling you to be hungry and fill it.
      December 17, 2017 1:03 PM MST

  • 13071
    After I peed it out I have.
      December 17, 2017 1:09 PM MST

  • 17628
    I drink at least a quart each morning.  Not for weight loss.  I'm still the same weight.  Don't get your hopes up unless you intend to reduce calories as well.
      December 17, 2017 1:39 PM MST

  • 22891
    i drink a liter of tea, that has caffeine in it which might work better than water
      December 17, 2017 3:39 PM MST

  • 10026
    No, I have not tried that method nor have I heard of it.  I'm not on a diet and I don't know how much you weigh.  It would be impossible for me to say if this way works for you; however, I've heard this:
    Take your weight and divide it in half.  That is how many ounces of water you might want to drink everyday.  If you don't loose any weight, at least you'll be healthy :)
    Good Luck :)
      December 19, 2017 11:10 AM MST

  • 6098
    No and I would not advise anything like that.  Good diet, exercise, fresh air, and plenty of sleep is the best diet.  Water just dilutes your whole system and overworks your heart and flushes out good nutrients as well. 
      December 19, 2017 11:25 AM MST

  • 604
    not a good are OVERhydrating your system and diluting precious digestive fluids!!!!!!!!!!!


    just watch your portion sizes and NO SNACKING.
    eat your meals at around the same time each day.....
    eat SLOWER.....which was my big problem; I'd wolf stuff down like crazy..

    be MINDFUL when you reading or TV!!!!  I did it so you can too!!!

    and watch those REFINED carbs.......cut way way back on the CRAP junk food; you know, candy, pie, cakes, cookies, etc.

    once in  a GREAT WHILE'S OK but not after every meal..again, I cut back and you can too.

    it will cut your cravings by more than anything!!!!

    you take one before each meal....believe me, they work.

    BUT GET THEM FROM LIFESPA.COM...(are we allowed to mention company names???)
    they are totally organic, etc.......

    so quit with all the water already!!!!!!!!!!!! OK??????  Please?????:-D
      December 15, 2018 8:53 AM MST

  • I drink water first thing in the morning every morning, but it's not a weight loss thing.    For weight loss, you must have a combo of exercise plus nutrition.   Water first thing in the morning is fine, in fact it helps replenish the body after several hours and gets your internal organs pumping, so keep drinking the water, although an entire liter is not necessary, and it's not going to aid in weight loss.  You want to fortify your body with healthy foods, not starve.  This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 15, 2018 5:11 PM MST
      December 15, 2018 8:58 AM MST

  • 10026
    Being that I've been gone for 72 hours, give or take a few, and have seen all sorts of people in my family with different lifestyles, needs and characteristics, including diet.... I can say this.  You don't need a coma if you use and in your descriptive word and that is the truth no matter who you are.
    Also what I was going to say was
    every "body" is different.  It matters.  It does.  I can say what works for me and what has in the past.  I can't and don't dare say what will work for any other.
    I know by trial and error what works for Don but he is changing and his metabolism is changing as he is growing older.
    Mine is doing the same. 
    We all know eating complex carbs before going to bed isn't doing anything but helping your body to store energy in case of a bodily crisis. 
    Wheat can be broken down but corn is manmade.  I would and try to steer clear of anything that is a combination of manmade.  Anything that resembles "man" ufactured or synthetic doesn't belong in your body on Earth. Maybe Mars but not here. ;)
    That is just my opinion.
    What works for me and my acid reflux disease, my 2 ulcers, and overall mammal being is this:

    When I remember and not in rushing to get Don out the door, I wake up and breathe.  You're probably thinking WTF?  I know how to do that.  We all do.  WEllll, true... But, as you get older you need to get rest and than slowly wake your body up.  exhaling and pushing your diaphragm out all the way to the point of no inhaling again will help your lung capacity.  Anyone who's taken a huge bong hit will also tell you this.  NOt kidding but trying to lighten the conversation.
    Then, in through your nose out of your mouth.  Reward your body by taking in oxygen again and releasing.  3 times.  It will do wonders.
    Then, before your feet hit the floor stretch your arms above your head and twirl your wrists around along with your ankles 3 times both directions while breathing. 

    Then, stand. Lean to the left and the right doing these same breathing exercises.  Tuck your butt and push the air out again.
    Believe, even scuba divers will tell you this is a great way to wake up.  Take some steps along the way, I DO drink lemon water after that.  8 to 10 ounces, depending on what glass I grab with a full squeeze of a 1/4  fresh lemon or lime in GOOD WATER.  Where we live we have "well water."  Not good.  

    Then start your day.

    That's all.  I hope all your days are hydrated and your body limber.
    Love, Merlin

      December 15, 2018 5:29 PM MST