Yeah. "We" can be a much less egotistical position, one of inclusiveness sharing and cooperation. But it can also be a badge of "cultic" identification which makes every sentient being outside "we" into "the other" and then relates to it as something to be excluded, conquered, used, etc.
The first idea, that "we" can be less egotistical (or selfish) comes from direct experience. When I work as a team with Ari, my husband, on some project, we need to communicate and solve problems in order to cooperate. It is never a matter of each battling to get his or her own way, but rather, finding the solution that fully meets the needs of each of us. Similarly, in my writers' group, or in group trail riding, there is a spirit of mutual listening and sharing, giving and taking. Each group works better - due to working as a "we", a group who identify as being together because we share some common interest.
The second idea is well known in psychology and social work. One of the defining characteristics of a cult is the identification with the group and its ideas and practices. Cults use a deliberate strategy of inculcating a sense of identity with "we" who are morally and spiritually superior or more enlightened and blessed, and "others" who are inferior due to ignorance, lack of consciousness or belong to Satan or other evil forces. Such groups encourage their individuals to closet themselves within the group even to the point of shunning family, friends and others who are not members. This isolations helps to reinforce and maintain the brainwashing. To a less severe extent, almost all groups of humans are somewhat prone to this attitude, which is in a sense nothing more than an extension of the longing or need to belong, to avoid loneliness, to survive and thrive better as part of group.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 22, 2017 9:11 PM MST
Sorry if I spoiled your fun. I think it's a very interesting question with potentially far reaching implications depending on how we think when we answer it.
You didn't spoil my fun. I often get serious answers to my fun questions. I mostly don't understand them as they are out of my realm. Especially Bible thumpers. I have no clue when they quote the scriptures.