My son. His birthday is two days after x-mas, and I cant figure out what to get him. He runs a two truck trucking company. Im very proud, I just want to show him just how much I love him. Im stuck. ;(
Ok ... I'm not much good at gift-buying because I tend to buy practical gifts instead of other types.
Something I liked having in my truck was a portable refrigerator. An actual refrigerator, not a cooler that you have to keep restocking with ice. WalMart, Target, Home Depot .... they aren't that hard to find. But I understand ... most people don't like giving practical gifts. Too impersonal.
Beat you to the chase on that one big guy. My son is a health nut, and i make him a power drink in the blender every morning before work. He must be the healthiest trucker on the road. No body fat what so ever. When they are unloading him, he jogs around his truck or down the street and back. He eats the shake in the morning, an avacado, bananna, and apple for snack, then I make fish and rice and a vegetable for dinner ever night the same thing. He never gets sick of it. Never gets sick either. I cant cook, so he is happy with the one dish Im good with. :O
I have one of those in my car. It's a thermoelectric cooler and I've had it for years...lots of years. It has a switch to change between heat and cool. I don't often use it for heat but it was nice when I needed to keep something warm for a long drive, etc. It keeps drinks quite cool but not ice cold. They are worth every penny. Great idea, Alf!