Discussion » Questions » answerMug Members » Now the trolls have taken over the Blog section. Did you notice?

Now the trolls have taken over the Blog section. Did you notice?

When you see the same person saying stupid crap that people ignore every other place, they  find out that they can BLOG it,  and all hell breaks loose. 

I want that COMMENTS DISABLE  and that choice to edit or not the coments by the blogger,  KABOSHED.

If they can take up space, we should be able to reply.  This is not some site where people take OVER like that. 

If we say something too bad, they can always report us.  What do we have to retort with when they can literally take over the site?   What is stopping me from bogarting the blog section with my opinion?  ALL DAY LONG?  And no one gets to say anything back? 

I thought this was an exchange of ideas not someone who cannot get any attention any other way to blog over and over again a bunch of NONSENSE.


Posted - August 1, 2016


  • 152
    May I suggest to you misanthropic, the Twilight Zone episode from the 1960s called It's A Good Life. It will describe to you a lot of what goes on in this country and on answer mug right now. The Bill Mummy character is frighteningly what people in this land put up with every single day. I wonder when people will stop being intimidated by the insane, evil crazed lunatics. I wonder when people will stop giving evil a pass. We have become a gutless country and a gutless "politically correct" robotic drone nation. It seems the lunatics are running the asylum and nobody seems to care. At least you speak your mind and I admire you for this...Truth is not a menace and logic is not an enemy to those who have a soul.....
      August 2, 2016 5:29 PM MDT