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L Ron Hubbard, totally INSANE-Global Relgious Leader; is it such a stretch to see Trump as President of USA? Church/State=Satan

Posted - January 4, 2018


  • 2052
    If you re saying; the Church of Scientology = Satan and that Trump is the perfect President to keep them in check, I agree. 
      January 4, 2018 2:14 PM MST

  • 22891
      January 4, 2018 2:58 PM MST

  • 5835
    I have a nice answer, but I need to know what the question is.
      January 5, 2018 4:44 AM MST

  • 492
    shame on the mess

      January 5, 2018 8:11 PM MST

  • 1393
    Q "L Ron Hubbard, totally INSANE-Global Relgious Leader; is it such a stretch to see Trump as President of USA? Church/State=Satan"

    There is a video out in the public domain of an American white guy seated in the back of a car and really letting off steam about Trump with language that must have turned the air blue. Isn't he scared one wonders. After all if Trump is insanely vengeful then it probably isn't such a stretch to see Trumpeteers, his devoted followers, that is, as insanely vengeful too. 
      January 21, 2018 2:37 PM MST