Discussion»Questions»Language» I wish I had had a second language taught to me from a young age. Wait, can you imagine a Randy D fluent in more than ONE language? ~
I can't imagine a Randy D fluent in English. He spells 'colour' without a 'u', 'realise' with a 'z', gets the 'e' and the 'r' the wrong way round in 'theatre', leaves the first 'a' out of 'encyclopaedia', the second 'i' out of 'aluminium' ...
I wish the same - but it's never too late. Neurologists now report that the brain can keep learning until death. See "The Brain that Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge
That wouldn't be good for you... or any of us. You might slack on English grammar, if fluent in more that one language. Then who would we get "grammar alerts" from? -_-
-cough- of course you were. :+ And to answer your comment now correctly. Ya = I, ;))
This post was edited by carbonproduct at January 8, 2018 5:30 PM MST
Your question is worded awkwardly. I would the written it like this..."I wish I had learned a second language at a young age." Just saying. I also wish I had. My grandparents did not pass their knowledge of languages to my aunts, uncles and mom. It would have been interesting to have learned Russian and Hebrew.
This post was edited by Element 99 at January 7, 2018 6:44 AM MST