Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Could I have some feedback?

Could I have some feedback?



I know I don’t share the same sense of humour.

I realise I’m probably too wordy and serious.


But do I really put everyone off so much that no one here wishes to share a conversation with me?


What am I doing wrong?


I’m feeling a bit down.

Am chooffing off now, because everything here seems so slow and sparse,

to do the equivalent of eating worms for a few hours.

Posted - January 13, 2018


  • 14795
    You haven't feed us yet and Indian givers are not tolerated on here I'll have you know ..... Grrrrrrr
      January 13, 2018 5:15 PM MST

  • 3523
    I don't have a problem.  I don't know what you're talking about. Now, since I was straight with you, let's exchange houses.
      January 13, 2018 7:07 PM MST

  • 17660
    I'm beginning to think you don't like home.  
      January 13, 2018 10:56 PM MST

  • 6098
    Dear I don't know that you are doing anything wrong - please don't be so hard on yourself.  There are not a lot of people on this site - as you observe slow and sparse - and perhaps they have their own axes to grind. I would be happy to have a private conversation with you if you don't mind talking to someone of middle age.  Like you I tend to be serious or lets say earnest! And I tend not to have the kind of sense of humor that often seems to pass for amusing on here.  Please don't feel down. 
      January 13, 2018 7:12 PM MST

  • I certainly don't mind. I'm middle-aged too - 61. 

      January 13, 2018 11:41 PM MST

  • 6098
    Turned 60 in October. 
      January 14, 2018 6:24 AM MST

  • 35077
    You are not doing anything wrong. The site is slow sometimes especially for more serious topics...unless you go to politics. 
      January 13, 2018 8:04 PM MST

  • meh..  I wouldn't pay much mind to what people on a website think of you. I've never seen one of your posts before this ..  but I talk to anyone posts on my questions. I'm pretty sure most people here think I'm Nutz..... it doesn't really matter:) I'm sure you'll find your way here,  if choose to stay. 
      January 13, 2018 8:21 PM MST

  • I tried to find your posts to offer responses, but your profile says it's private.
    That must be a new function since last year.
    I've been away from aM for a while. Quite few things seem different since I got back.

    I'm never sure what Nutz means - probably something different for everyone - maybe all of us are Nutz in different ways.
    Maybe it's just plain human to be a bit nutty.
    But then, nuts can be quite delicious.
      January 13, 2018 11:35 PM MST

  • 44765
    All Canadians are nutz.
      January 14, 2018 10:32 AM MST

  • 23846

    Hang in there and give it all some time.
      January 13, 2018 8:26 PM MST

  • Thanks.
    I'm still hopeful the mood won't set in like climate change.
    I will be patient.
      January 13, 2018 11:21 PM MST

  • 7939
    Not sure what you mean. You're a lovely conversationalist. Could just be the timing.
      January 13, 2018 10:41 PM MST

  • Thank you, JA, very much. :)
    Maybe it is the timing - the roughly ten-hour time gap.
    I'm not sure if this down thing is just a transient mood or the start of a depression.
    I'm trying to fight off the negative thoughts and be patient - to wait and see if it passes.
    Thanks for the *hugs*.
    Amazing how one can actually feel it all the way on the other side of the world just from a thought.
    If we lived nearby, I'd hug you back and invite you to a well-brewed coffee.
      January 13, 2018 11:18 PM MST

  • 17660
    I don't generally talk to you because you get into discussions about America and I don't talk to foreigners about American politics.  I've said that on here a few times.  If the discussion is about movies or books or how to grow tomatoes, you might hear from me.  

    Good bye.
      January 13, 2018 10:53 PM MST

  • OK
    Thank you for your honest feedback.

    In Australia, at least 5% of every news broadcast reports the biggest news in the USA.
    Many of the public discussions and debates with professors of politics from around the world discuss their views on the latest of American events, debates, legislation and most powerful people.
    This is because we are close allies via the ANZUS treaty, via our satellites and observatories, and through trade and cultural exchange.
    What happens in America has powerful repercussions for all of us, even though we are powerless to have any effect on what affects us.

    I do grow vegies, and an orchard, and spend a lot of time on property maintenance.
    I read a lot, mostly Pulitzer, Nobel, Booker novels, or poetry.
    I enjoy slightly off-beat films; directors like Ingmar Bergman, actors like Gérard Depardieu, themes about human nature and its quirks.

    The glimpses of you that I see in the Q&A I like and respect.
      January 13, 2018 11:11 PM MST

  • 686
    it is slow. because I haven't asked any trash bag wearing questions.bfr
      January 13, 2018 11:35 PM MST