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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In a world of SH**HOLES and SH**HOUSES there must also be SH**HEADS. The mitigators are kindness/rainbows/unicorns/love. Lucky aren't we?

In a world of SH**HOLES and SH**HOUSES there must also be SH**HEADS. The mitigators are kindness/rainbows/unicorns/love. Lucky aren't we?

Posted - January 17, 2018


  • 1233
    Once again the left is obsessed with feelings not reality.

    Yours is the false compassion that gives the broke alcoholic another drink, or the heroin addict another hit, or the degenerate gambler another loan. Real love encourages people to face objective moral reality and make truly positive change. The first step towards such change is acknowledging problems, not denying them out of pride. Some countries are sh*tholes and they will be forever until they acknowledge they are, and realise why are.

    Just like alcoholics go to support groups and confess to the group "My name is Bob and I'm an alcoholic", some countries need to say "I'm the Republic of Corruptistan, and I'm a sh*thole."

    Lack of tact never turned a nation into the sh*thole. Mindless reality denying altruists do it all the time. Those are the real sh*theads. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at January 17, 2018 1:25 PM MST
      January 17, 2018 3:58 AM MST