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How are the British feeling about the Brexit, now?

How are the British feeling about the Brexit, now? Are some of you getting used to the fact, and accepting it? Do you think that in the end you'll finish up having the same rights as other European members.......?

Posted - January 20, 2018


  • 423
    The Grand Hierarchy of the European Union is too committed to imposing its own arbitrary rules from its ivory towers. The Democratic principle has been so watered down, become make-believe, that it really doesn't apply to what happens day to day, behind the scenes. The only constraint is what the top knobs, from growing experience, see they can get away with. It must have initially been quite eye-poppingly unbelievable to them. The EU is a bottomless pit of members wealth in which the poor continue to suffer, and masses of homeless are irrelevant, and still the odious money-counters demand more. It all simply disappears into the morass with no access to knowing where it went. At least we know where much of the wealth of that other august body, the Roman Catholic church, went - is still going and will continue to go. Crime festers in the inadvertently created ideal environment. The open border aspect of the EU is the hardened criminal's dream, and organised crime's dream - not to mention being advantageous to the insidious growing swarms of suspected, but well-hidden, murderous anarchist elements from antithetical cultures who place no value on human life, or on the free will of the individual, and plan to bring all of mankind under their sway.
    But it is probably too late - as too late as it was for the indigenous people of South America after the Spanish secured a murderous, enslaving, culture-eradicating, foothold there.
    This post was edited by Stemmata949 at January 25, 2018 12:40 PM MST
      January 20, 2018 12:31 PM MST

  • 6477
    There's probably no ONE all encompassing view.. us Brits are individuals and we all have a say and all have an opinion..  so you will find pro and anti-Brexiters here..

    I am pro.. always was and voted such. my conviction on that remains the same.. Yes it's difficult .. the negotiations make many people, especially the anti-brexiters nervous. that can impact on the economy, nervous people aren;t good for the economy of the country.   

    I heard someone point out on the radio today that we import way, way, way more than we export to the EU - so it's my firm belief, and always was - that they need us more than we need them sooooo 

    I know a LOT of anti-Brexiters... most of them seemed to reluctantly accept it a long time ago.. they don't whine or moan.. but there are some who do... again they cause uncertainty... and my feeling is that it achieves nothing..

    I could be wrong but if the PM gave in and allowed a second referendum/vote that most would still vote Brexit.. and it really wasn't all to do with immigration, (tho in a very small country without the natural resources to sustain growth in what is already one of the most densely populated countries in the world - it IS a problem and is unsustainable) it wasn't to do with racism. It was to do with being able to be self-determining - let's face it NO American would tolerate another cuontry telling them what to do 
      January 20, 2018 2:59 PM MST

  • 739
    I am as pro EU as they come. My own opinion is the same as LBC Radio presenter Nick Abbot; we will still be Britain, not much will change, we will just be poorer. I still think there is a chance it will not go ahead, when the public realise it is going to cost them a few quid. A lot of poles indicate that if the referendum was held tomorrow, the Remain side would win. If it does go ahead, I am steeling myself to put up with it. It looks to me like all the things the governor of the Bank of England predicted to happen, have happened; the pound devalued, prices have gone up, and so forth. I disagree with Daydream. Most of those who voted leave did so out of heavily Nationalist/Racist reasons. Certainly, the idiots who put little notices through people's doors around here saying "Leave the EU. No more Polish vermin" were.
      January 25, 2018 5:19 AM MST

  • 6477
    Yes, well you are allowed to disagree with me. We tend to agree on many things, and we disagree amicably and respectfully.. We see things differently, we could both be right, we could both be wrong, or something in between. Certainly there's hype about that most of the people who voted Brexit are racists.. that argument serves the Bremain side well IMO but there's little evidence that it's so, other than the hype.  I didn't have any Polish vermin leaflets through my door and I despise that idiot Farage - UK were, and are a joke. But my analytical and skeptical mind asks, what leaflets, how many, how can we determine their effectiveness, (some would have the opposite effect) is this leaflet thing fact or exaggerated, who funded it, why, what purpose does it serve, did it work...  Tis the sociologist and psychologist in me :P 
      January 25, 2018 3:02 PM MST