Discussion»Questions»Outside the Mug» Thanks for dropping by on such short notice. Party? No, there's no party. Actually, I invited you over here for your er, um, "skills".
Just remember, the Tide Pods aren't for the pizza, they're for the laundry. Oh, and when you iron my shirts, extra starch on the collars, please. Thank you.
I don't own any delicates that need to be hand-washed or air-dried, so that should save you a lot of time. Pleases, stop with all the profuse gratitude, you're embarrassing me. (If company drops by, I'll need you to be a dear and stay completely out of sight. I can't have the help interfering with my entertaining of associates.)
Wait a minute, $20 an hour? What are you talking about? You're a houseguest, for griminy's sake! Oh, use the back door by the kitchen to get to the laundry room. I don't want you tracking filth onto my good carpets.