Stepping on a step stool. Walking into a sliding glass door. Slipping on a banana peel and landing on someones foot. Fainting on the toilet. Turning your head too fast into the person standing next to you. Jogging into a tree.
Why in the heck did you need a step stool to use a sliding toilet that was hanging from someone's tree standing next to a fainting peeled glass banana? On second thought, don't answer that.
Hi carbon!!! It feels like it has been years! WAIT!!! Maybe it has been a year! Just stay off step ladders and the Empire State Building and you'll be fine :) :) How are ya?!?! Happy! Happy!
When you have to get up and give a public speech When you are getting married Anytime you are the center of attention
This post was edited by Merlin at February 8, 2018 10:57 AM MST