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Should I feel sorry about talking about the emotional relations of any one war if I haven't participated in it?

Posted - February 11, 2018


  • 5835
    If you pay taxes, you have participated.
      February 11, 2018 8:35 PM MST

  • 46117
    I don't understand what emotional relations means.

    I haven't participated in any war.  I can talk about it from the standpoint of one who is a layperson who  reads  a lot of information about war.  That does not hold a candle to being in a war.

    I ask about war all the time.  I find strategists very interesting.  Just objectively speaking.  I would not ever like the idea of organizing an actual war.  But the fact that wars were fought and people did plan each action, is a study in itself.   The ones that get to me the most are the ones where people were forced into hand-to-hand combat.  How did they ever have the courage to face probably getting a leg blown off, or an arm bayonetted off and maybe not being lucky enough to bleed to death.  Maybe you get gangrine and suffer for weeks.

    I would just blow my head off and be done with the whole war effort.  I don't wanna kill and be killed.  No.

      February 11, 2018 8:44 PM MST

  • I suppose it depends what you mean by "sorry about the emotional relations."
    I can only guess.

    I'm thinking back to the interactions between Vietnam vets and civilians. In my youth, I and everyone I knew marched against the Vietnam war. When it finally ended and the vets returned home, they got a hostile welcome from all but their families. It was unfair because they never had a choice; they were conscripted. When they returned, most developed severe PTSD. Nearing old age, they are no better - their entire lives were ruined by the war. The only difference now is that most people have acknowledged that they never wanted to fight in the first place and that it wasn't their fault that they were forced to. Acceptance has made their tortured lives more bearable.

    I think the issues may be similar for veterans of the Gulf wars, especially the first. It was started on the basis of deliberately falsified "intelligence," and so the entire war was a war-crime - a horrendous abuse of a country's sovereign rights, and an example of how ignorance of the complex forces at work within a society can lead to much worse horrors when the existing balances are destroyed. ISIS sprang into power as a result.

    Yet the work in Afghanistan has actually helped the country attain some peace, stability and a chance to rebuild - and is continuing despite the efforts of the Taliban. The work of these soldiers is making a positive difference, even if the developments are slow.
    In Australia, though we were 20 years too slow, Aussie soldiers saved Timor from genocide by the Indonesian Govt.

    I think, even if we've had no direct part in any war (which is true for me,) we can still acknowledge the difficulties that returned soldiers all have. Some come back maimed. Others suffer crippled health from experimental vaccinations. Others are traumatised by the horrors they've seen or been part of. To the extent that they live among us, their disabilities affect our lives too.
    Whether we agree with the war they fought or not, they are still human beings who suffer. We are a better society -- and better in our relationships with ourselves -- if we offer compassion, companionship and practical help.
      February 11, 2018 9:08 PM MST

  • 10026
    .... I just love reading you!  Not only are you informative but also weave in your emotions.  
    You Truly have a Gift.  I also have seen this happen and agree with you.  Thank you for expressing in your style where reading hard facts were actually understandable and caring all at once.  :) :)

      February 12, 2018 2:01 PM MST

  • All right than can possibly sympathise with my sufferings... 10 letters apiece here. I work with idiots and am dragged through hell all day and get SSI for anxiety and once you seen the likes of Robert Deniro being cool it gives me courage to rebel like hell with people who don't sympathise with sufferings. I say here that nobody gets out alive and scumbags live forever so..
    Relax and throw some tunes like Aqualung by Jethro Tull on. Never dies.
      February 12, 2018 2:34 PM MST

  • 10026
    Hi CosmicWunderkind~ On my side, this has become a funny turn of events.  As Hartfire is a friend of mine and I am normally pressed for time, I still took a moment to read their thoughts.  I do also appreciate their writing ability.  As a general rule, we see many things in a similar way.  What makes it oddly funny is before I commented on Hartfire's post, I had spent over half an hour writing to you and on your question. Since you had the niceness to comment back to me, I will start with your ending :)
    I do love Jethro Tull.  I don't "eye little girls with bad intent" but I appreciate the true musical ability of Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull, the group, definitely has a drive behind it.  I've never really understood what the name Aqualung had to do with it.  Maybe you could enlighten me on the topic. :)
    What I began saying earlier, (before erasing it) was about your name.  Every time I see your name, I smile.  The first time I saw it, I read "CosmicWunderkid." Sometimes I still see that.  Please take this as a compliment because this is the reason behind it.  The questions you have asked and the responses you give ask us as individuals and don't seem to be driven by religion or country.  They make us think about how we feel.  A kid would keep it simple like that and it is a talent I appreciate.  If you mean "kind" by being an extension of your soul, I feel you must be and I like that too.  If you mean "kind" as in a race or breed, I hope your "Kind" succeeds and would hope I am part of that breed too.  Either way, it is a wonderful trait to have.
    With all that being said, I fear I must be the bearer of bad news.  I do not have the power tell you how to feel. You, my dear, are the only one who can decide that.  
    I can tell you my heart goes out to those who have suffered and fought in wars they may not have believed in.  Many have sufferred their whole lives becasue of this and been treated poorly by the people they fought so hard to protect.  
    I DO have huge feelings of hurt and try to help these people the best way I can.  I give to the vets with donations and I volunteer my time to sit and listen to their stories.  I give them food and blankets and help them to know they are worth it.  I am extremely grateful and thankful for each and every one of them.  If I could have changed the world so they wouldn't have to have fought, I would have.  I feel for them every day.  My heart goes to them in many ways. 
    That is how I feel and sorry is included in those hurtful feelings.  I didn't fight any war physically but I still feel those emotions very strongly.

    This post was edited by Merlin at February 12, 2018 9:16 PM MST
      February 12, 2018 3:42 PM MST

  • 10026
    Thank you CosmicWunderkind :) :) 
      February 12, 2018 9:49 PM MST

  • 22891
    thats up to you
      February 12, 2018 4:48 PM MST