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Trump really needed cue cards to remind himself to say "I hear you", when meeting with the students over the mass shooting?

This blows me away.  The pictures are not photoshopped and this story can be found at many different sources including Fox News.   
I would think you would NOT need notes to remind yourself to show compassion.  

Posted - February 22, 2018


  • 19937
    It really is too bad there isn't a thumbs down choice here because I would certainly have given that one to you.  Is there nothing for which you don't excuse Trump?  A person who truly cares about others, especially ones in that horrid situation., shouldn't need crib notes to express empathy - and "I hear you" is not even close to what I call being empathetic.
      February 22, 2018 9:40 PM MST

  • 34962
    You have never used notes? I have for important issues and I wrote down the exact words I wanted to say so it wouldn't be twisted into something else. (This was for a lawsuit) 
    The fact that having a sheet of notes with questions and statements to use to help keep the conversation going is such a big deal shows the hatred some have for this President is over the top. Making nothing in to a mountain. 
    I did not like President Obama because of his positions of issues. But I could not care less if would have used a note card. There is so much more important things. This post was edited by my2cents at February 23, 2018 4:41 AM MST
      February 23, 2018 4:39 AM MST

  • 19937
    No, I haven't been in a position to have to use notes and if I was required to say something about an event as horrific at this mass shooting, I wouldn't need notes to express my empathy.  Trump is probably the least articulate president in my lifetime.  He speaks at a 6th grade level which is about the same age as the way he behaves.  He belongs on the school yard, not in the Oval Office.  By the time he leaves office, it will be more like the Offal Office. This post was edited by SpunkySenior at February 26, 2018 8:24 AM MST
      February 23, 2018 9:46 AM MST

  • 3375
    I remember a time when being a good communicator was high on the list to be a leader.  I wonder why so many people accepted this flaw in him?

    This post was edited by PeaPod is just popping by at February 26, 2018 8:24 AM MST
      February 23, 2018 10:28 AM MST

  • 19937
    Look at his base for the answer to that question.
      February 23, 2018 10:43 AM MST

  • 3375
    Maybe that is what really scares me.  I still fall into this thinking that most people possess some sort of common sense.  

      February 23, 2018 10:48 AM MST

  • 19937
    Apparently not, because I'm sure there are people who we would have considered as having common sense that voted for him that were not his base. 
      February 23, 2018 10:52 AM MST

  • 3375
    *sigh.  I know.  I actually do know some people I like and respect that voted for him.  I think he does represent issues that are important to his base, so I understand.  I just have such a visceral reaction to him in general.  His personality is everything I despise in other people.   
      February 23, 2018 11:01 AM MST

  • 19937
    I know exactly what you mean.  I can't the sight of him and listening to him is even worse.
      February 23, 2018 12:11 PM MST

  • 10052
    I think he mostly PRETENDS to represent issues that are important to his base. As you said, he barked up the liberal tree on many issues (including guns and abortion) until he realized that we wanted NO PART OF HIM! 

    While no one except him truly knows, he certainly doesn't behave as a Christian. I don't believe he is pro-life. 

    I do believe that he's a racist and thinks that the only good immigrant is one that Hitler would approve of. 
      February 26, 2018 8:32 AM MST

  • 1128
    My mother and father taught me empathy, not by words but by ACTIONS. In turn, I taught my children and they taught their children. There is NO excuse for being in his position and not showing respect. 
    I used cue cards when I took speech class for college. But, I've never had to use them to remind me how to be civil and caring. 
      February 23, 2018 7:13 AM MST

  • 19937
    And that is how normal people behave.
      February 23, 2018 9:41 AM MST

  • 1128
    Definitely. I remember when I worked at our city's Mission/shelter our oldest grandson was 4 years old the first time he served the homeless. As our grandson passed out the spoons/forks he told some of the people. "What do you say?" Most knew he was my grandson and asked him what he was talking about. He told thm "My grandma has us say please, thank you and you're welcome when she gives us something." So a 4 year old was giving these adults a lesson in manners. I thought some might be offended, but many came up to me after lunch was served and actually thanked me for teaching him manners. Sad that a 4 year old has more on the ball than a person who should be a role model.
      February 23, 2018 10:43 AM MST

  • 19937
    I'm always pleasantly surprised when I encounter children with manners.  Fewer parents are teaching this to their children.  One of these days, society will be more like Lord of the Flies.
      February 23, 2018 10:46 AM MST

  • 3375
    I have the same reaction Spunky!  I am actually pleasantly shocked when a young person is showing good manners.

    Hell, my mother would have whooped my ass if I wasn't polite to an adult.
      February 23, 2018 10:50 AM MST

  • 19937
    I know what you mean.  Thankfully, my sisters and their children are being raised to be respectful and mannerly. 
      February 23, 2018 10:54 AM MST

  • 3375
    I STILL remind my grown children what I expect of them.  I can only do so much, but they know I have always pushed for them to be decent, respectable human beings.
      February 23, 2018 11:03 AM MST

  • 19937
    Actually, that was poorly written by me - my sisters already know how to behave mannerly as do their children and now the grandchildren are being raised the same way.  :)
      February 23, 2018 12:14 PM MST

  • 3375
    That's great SA.  The problem with Trump is that the spoons (likely silver) were being handed to him.  I heard he was not a nice kid.  
      February 23, 2018 10:52 AM MST

  • 3375
    "I hear you" is actually pretty dismissive when talking about a serious matter.  If that was the best he could do (with notes), he really is lacking.
      February 23, 2018 10:30 AM MST

  • 19937
    Well, we all know how "articulate" he is. 
      February 23, 2018 10:42 AM MST

  • 3375
    Oh boy...every time he opens his mouth, those closest to him must be saying a silent prayer that he don't screw it up.  Ha!
      February 23, 2018 10:45 AM MST

  • 19937
    Knowing that he probably will. :)
      February 23, 2018 10:49 AM MST

  • 3375
    Think of the stories they will tell in later years.  I bet some of them are doozies.  Hahahaha
      February 23, 2018 11:05 AM MST

  • 3463
    Good luck with that.
      February 23, 2018 11:13 AM MST