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What is your understanding of the rules of the "Would You Rather" game? ~

Posted - March 12, 2018


  • 14795
    I would rather not play games as I'm a big gurl now.... :(D
      March 12, 2018 6:48 PM MDT

  • 53045

      Don't toy with me, you. Grrrrrr. Hey, wait . . . 

      March 12, 2018 10:02 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Lol :)
      March 13, 2018 3:36 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I understand that you think there should be rules and I could care less.

      March 12, 2018 6:49 PM MDT

  • 5354
    1: All the choices given must be false choices, not mutually exclusive (you can have a dirtworm up your right nostril while you have a tatrantula up the left)
    2: It should be as outrageous as possible.
    3: But not so outrageous that it makes players puke. (except for aunt Oda's kid that nobody wanted to play with anyway)
      March 12, 2018 9:56 PM MDT

  • 17490
    I don't know this game.
      March 13, 2018 2:37 AM MDT

  • 53045

      For example:

    Would you rather eat only cold food for the rest of your life, or be suspended upside-down by your ankles every time you eat for the rest of your life?
      March 13, 2018 5:42 AM MDT

  • 17490
    Thanks.  Do I now make up one or do I answer yours?  
      March 13, 2018 9:52 PM MDT

  • 53045

      Come up with a new one, please. 

      March 14, 2018 12:08 AM MDT

  • 17490
    Would you rather have to swim in a tiny pool and be safe or have the space of the ocean along with all the critters and creatures? 

    Is that one?

    I choose the pool.  I do love the beach, but I do not get into the sea. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at March 14, 2018 9:21 PM MDT
      March 14, 2018 6:02 PM MDT

  • 53045

      March 14, 2018 9:21 PM MDT