Thanks. I meant to add "Here's hoping you aren't wrong. Word has it that the price for error is...eh...painful."
Ahh...the Great Cosmological Vat into which all brains must return. :-)
Judging from how thing are going right now with starving children, wars, pestilence, etc, how would you rate the God you worship that you are referring to on a scale of 1-10?
(Carazaa, you always claim to get your teachings from the Bible while telling me that I am in a cult. As a supposed Christian, shouldn't your answer be based on the Christian Greek Scriptures?)
A couple of things to consider:
(Job 1:12) - "Then the Lord said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him."
People. People seem the most interested in control / rule.
Judging from how thing are goings right now with starving children, wars, pestilence, etc, I would like to know how Carazaa would rate the God she worships that she is referring to, on a scale of 1-10?
(Carazaa, you always claim to get your teachings from the Bible while telling me that I am in a cult. As a supposed Christian, shouldn't your answer be based on the Christian Greek Scriptures?)
A couple of things to consider:
These are signs of the times.
Jesus said right before he returns
-Knowledge will increase
- an angel will fly midair to proclaiming the good news to every nation, tribe, and people
- there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines, and terrors and great signs from heaven.
I believe Jesus will return very soon. (The fig tree parable)
We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and the temple has been built when the last stone is included in the temple (when the last person is saved then the end)
Can you ever comment within the,context of a thread?
How did Satan tempt Jesus if Satan wasn't in control?
(Matthew 4:8) Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
(Luke 4:6, 7) Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.”
What do these verses tell you?
(John 12:31) Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.
(John 14:30) I will not speak with you much more, for the ruler of the world is coming, and he has no hold on me.
(John 16:11) then concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.
(1 John 5:19) We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.
(2 Corinthians 4:4) among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.