Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » Do you think there could be any women come foreword claiming that Mueller probed them during his investigations?

Do you think there could be any women come foreword claiming that Mueller probed them during his investigations?

Just to try defame his character...

Posted - March 23, 2018


  • 5354
    I doubt it. His reputation is for staying calm and sane through crises.
      March 23, 2018 9:55 AM MDT

  • 46117
    CAVEAT: so sorry, kitty, I have strong coffee in the morning.....I beg your forgiveness.  But you can always scroll down people, and ignore me.  I just gotta get my views out. 

    That is so TRUE.

    Here is the problem.  THAT REPUBLICAN PLOY IS EXACTLY WHAT MUELLER IS PROBING RIGHT NOW.  The Republican Party only shows bravery in NUMBERS not in depositions.  Just watch them squirm when questioned  by the likes of Elizabeth Warren on the TV.  She is sweet as pie compared to what Mueller has in store and they all KNOW it.

    Only Donald Trump would goad a mad bull with rabies, goad an FBI bull, armed to the enormous horns of the LAW, focused and angry that you caused pain and TREASON to the entire NATION.    SO, what is Trump's insane methods of diversionary tactics? 

    Hire the best Counsel?  Hire the best legal minds? 


    Tell Mueller off in a Presidential Tweet.  That is MAGA at it's finest.

    STUPID as the REPUBLICANS have shown themselves to be throughout the last ... OH, SINCE THE 70's, let's say?  The GOP has continued to show their hands in the most insipid manner possible, by parading Romney and McCain at us when we had Obama.  That was bad enough.  But, when you put imbeciles like Ben Carson and Ted Cruz as your competition against Hillary Clinton, we know something is up when someone worse, stupider and much more criminal and incompetent and STUPID?  DID I MENTION TOTALLY STUPID?  Much stupider  than all the GOP choices so far....THIS CHOICE magically wins the election.    It would have been much less of a shock if Bernie won even though he'd lost the primaries.    That would have at least been remotely possible.  THIS?  NO.  NO NO NO NO.  This was NEVER possible.  NEVER. POSSIBLE.  It was fixed. It was a lie and the Russians were in on it. 


    Everyone thought I was nuts.   No one in the SANE news arena were even pointing in that direction yet. They were stupidly blaming the ELECTORAL COLLEGE.  No.  Sorry.  Gerrymander away, Trump was never a possibility.  Michael Moore, your argument is really great, except it applies to a few states.  Michigan felt the pinch and a few of those working class heroes, but not enough to sway an entire nation unless something was slimeing their way into their lives and influencing their choices.

    I was RIGHT.
    So, here is what I thought.  I thought if OBAMA can win against the best they have to throw at us, ROMNEY, a total idiot, if OBAMA can win, a black, hated, socialist demon, then HOW THE HELL COULD TRUMP WIN AGAINST HILLARY CLINTON?

    Listen to her speeches and listen to his.   NO ONE WANTED him to win.  I voted to make sure this did not happen and I almost didn't bother because I thought there was NO WAY.  AND YET?  HE WON.  It was not just the electoral college people.  NOPE.

      This makes Tricky Dicky's shenanigans pale in comparison.   I think that this may be his END.  HIS SWAN SONG. Because?  TRUMP LOVES TO BE IN THE SPOTLIGHT AND WANTS TO DEBATE MUELLER TO SHOW EVERYONE HOW SMART HE ISN'T.  I PRAY he talks to Mueller one-on-one.  I PRAY.  Mueller is my man to win this one.  YES.  But my favorite thing would be if Stormy Daniels and the ladies bring him down.  How appropriate.  That, or you know what would be my choice GOD?  Please GOD, let Mike Pence think he is talking to Jesus and doing Jesus' work and let Mike Pence poison one of Trump's cheeseburgers.  This way they both will go where they belong.  Trump in HELL for good.  Pence, on his way but still having time to think about what it means to use Jesus as your spokesperson for your personal hate agenda, you closeted RACIST PIG.  You, ignorant, homophobe.  You serious hater. You sneak.  You lie to yourself and we can see the transparency.  Omarosa was right.  You are scarier than Trump.  Quote Omarosa:  "He thinks he is talking to Jesus.  I'm sorry, Jesus didn't say that."  

    I love her for that.  I excuse any and all transgressions.  Omarosa, JESUS DID NOT SAY THAT, HONEY.  YOU GO.

    So, Trump goads a mad bull.  The Republican party will let him get gored before they ever lie to the CHIEF INVESTIGATOR of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  AND?  If Trump decides to fire Mueller?  GOOD BYE, DONALD.  That may be what the Republicans want.  Not Mueller's exposure, but TRUMP's IMPEACHMENT.

    Mueller is being chastised by the Republican party GET THIS.... because they say he is pissed about some business deal he and Trump were in in the 80's.  I don't have the particulars but I assure the world, Mueller doesn't care.  Mueller cares about a lying, treasonous individual who stole an election and is using the USA for his personal gain and for spite, the ingredients to make a dictator.  PUT THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN OFFICE TO GET YOUR THERE.  Make sure you do that too.  Put someone in there that is a total KILLER and call him McMaster of War's replacement.

    Hurry UP, Mueller.  PLEASE Hurry???? Please indict this PIG from HELL? This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 23, 2018 7:54 PM MDT
      March 23, 2018 10:03 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Now that's a pretty loaded question. I don't know the story but I can tell from the way it's said you have already made a judgement call on this one. Just making an observation.
      March 23, 2018 12:27 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Some people think there are women making up stories about being sexually harassed by Trump so why could there not be someone making up a story of being harassed by Mueller just to try to defame his character? 
      March 23, 2018 1:13 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Well see it is possible.. and I don't deny that. I think my angle was that *we* as in you and I - just aren't in a position to know either way...  One could say.. there are those who WERE harassed by Trump, or one could say, there are those who deny and dismiss accusers because it suits them ... point is we, humble you and I, really aren't in a position to say it did, or didn't happen.
      March 23, 2018 1:17 PM MDT

  • 5354
    That does not really hold, One of the main reasons many people believe Tump have done that is that he have bragged, on tape and video, about being rich and powereful enough to do it.
      March 24, 2018 7:52 AM MDT

  • 53708
    fore·word ˈfôrˌwərd/noun 
    a short introduction to a book, typically by a person other than the author.

    for·ward  ˈfôrwərd/adverb
    adverb: forward; adverb: forwards
    toward the front; in the direction that one is facing or traveling.
    "he started up the engine and the car moved forward"
    synonyms: ahead, forwards, onward, onwards, on, further
    "the traffic moved forward"
    in, near, or toward the bow or nose of a ship or aircraft.
    in the normal order or sequence.
    "the number was the same backward as forward"
    onward so as to make progress; toward a successful conclusion.
    "there's no way forward for the relationship"
    synonyms: moving forward, moving forward, moving ahead, onward, advancing, progressing, progressive
    "in a forward direction"
    antonyms: backward
    into a position of prominence or notice.
    "he is pushing forward a political ally"
    synonyms: toward the front, out, forth, into view
    "the winner stepped forward"
    toward the future; ahead in time.
    "from that day forward, the assembly was at odds with us"
    synonyms: onward, onwards, on, forth; More
    for ever, into eternity;
    until now
    "from that day forward"
    to an earlier time.
    "the special issue has been moved forward to winter"
    adjective: forward
    directed or facing toward the front or the direction that one is facing or traveling.
    "forward flight"
    positioned near the enemy lines.
    "troops moved to the forward areas"
    synonyms: front, advance, foremost, head, leading, frontal
    "the fortress served as the Austrian army's forward base against the Russians"
    antonyms: rear
    (in sports) moving toward the opponents' goal.
    "a forward pass"
    in, near, or toward the bow or nose of a ship or aircraft.
    (of a voltage applied to a semiconductor junction) in the direction that allows significant current to flow.

      March 23, 2018 7:48 PM MDT