Discussion»Questions»Emotions» DO you think all these women coming out and talking about his lack of sexual prowess is causing the Presidents ardor to wane?
wane1 wān/ verb verb: wane; 3rd person present: wanes; past tense: waned; past participle: waned; gerund or present participle: waning
(of the moon) have a progressively smaller part of its visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size. synonyms: decline, diminish, decrease, dwindle, shrink, tail off, ebb, fade (away), lessen, peter out, fall off, recede, slump, flag, weaken, give way, wither, crumble, evaporate, disintegrate, die out; literaryevanesce "time-lapse photography shows the moon waning" antonyms: wax, grow (especially of a condition or feeling) decrease in vigor, power, or extent; become weaker. "confidence in the dollar waned" synonyms: decline, diminish, decrease, dwindle, shrink, tail off, ebb, fade (away), lessen, peter out, fall off, recede, slump, flag, weaken, give way, wither, crumble, evaporate, disintegrate, die out; literaryevanesce "time-lapse photography shows the moon waning"