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Have you ever double-dated? If so, how long ago was it? Do people nowadays still double-date? ~

Definition of double dating: two couples going on a date together as opposed to one couple going on a date. 

Posted - March 25, 2018


  • 2052
    No, there is NO reason to double date.  How uncomfortable that would be after 10 years.

    Trust me....

      March 25, 2018 8:12 AM MDT

  • 53394

      March 25, 2018 10:05 AM MDT

  • 2052
    Someone pushed a dating button (plus a couple of others) and everything went BOOM!!! This post was edited by Sunshine at March 25, 2018 4:14 PM MDT
      March 25, 2018 1:32 PM MDT

  • Just once in 2016. It was just my boyfriend and I, and my cousin and her fiance. We went to the local fair for a couple hours. I would only double date if we went somewhere that was fun or entertaining. I wouldn’t have a nice Romantic dinner as a double date because that Is something I would like to keep personal and intimate with my s/o. 
      March 25, 2018 8:12 AM MDT

  • 53394
    Thank you. 
      March 25, 2018 10:06 AM MDT

  • 44544
    Often in my young Navy days. Of course, the rest of my answer belongs in another group.
      March 25, 2018 8:15 AM MDT

  • 2052
      March 25, 2018 8:36 AM MDT

  • 53394

      He means the Adult Group, Sunshine.
      March 25, 2018 2:08 PM MDT

  • 2052
    Oh...OH hahaha
      March 25, 2018 2:14 PM MDT

  • 44544
    Uh...the after-date activities.
      March 25, 2018 4:15 PM MDT

  • 2052
    There is not one person in my life I'd consider going on a double date with...not one.  Especially family, how uncomfortable would that be.  I like the online form of dating.
      March 25, 2018 8:18 AM MDT

  • 53394

      March 25, 2018 10:08 AM MDT

  • 2052
    ok then.  hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA  :  P
      March 25, 2018 1:29 PM MDT

  • 2052
    ROTFLMAO  Perfect, perfect response.  :  P This post was edited by Sunshine at March 25, 2018 4:17 PM MDT
      March 25, 2018 1:30 PM MDT

  • 17565
    Do you just meet online or do you mean meeting for a date while online?
      March 25, 2018 10:44 PM MDT

  • 2052
    IDK about that. 
      March 26, 2018 2:02 AM MDT

  • 17565
    You said you like the form of online dating.  
      March 27, 2018 1:33 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Probably.  I used to date when I was under 18 in high school

    Then I grew up and moved in with my boyfriend when I was 17 and I'm pretty sure we did not date.  We dated plenty after we lived together.  We'd go to the show a lot.

    The second one, took me out all the time, but I wouldn't really call it dating either.  

    The third one?  Same deal

    I don't date.  I just move in.  I either like you or I don't.

    Oh I just realized this was about double-dating.  Oh.  Okay.  I'm sure I did.  This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 25, 2018 4:17 PM MDT
      March 25, 2018 8:24 AM MDT

  • 2052
    I have a missing tooth and it is very embarrassing.  I don't date...period. 
      March 25, 2018 8:31 AM MDT

  • 44544
    I am missing two teeth. Do we have s date?
      March 25, 2018 4:20 PM MDT

  • 53394

      I think it will only work if her one missing tooth could theoretically fit directly in between your two missing teeth. Are yours right next to each other?  (I'm just trying to help. Call me a match-maker.)
      March 25, 2018 6:45 PM MDT

  • 44544
    Hey...don't become a match breaker...we might have something going here.
      March 25, 2018 6:49 PM MDT

  • 2052
    No you don't, you are just saying that to make me feel better. 
      March 25, 2018 9:06 PM MDT

  • 53394

      (Sigh.)  Sharonna, Sharonna, Sharonna.  Where did I go wrong with you?

      March 25, 2018 10:27 AM MDT