Not likely to happen. Once you have studied the Bible and know that God is not a trinity, the soul is not immortal, hell fire is a myth, Christians do not fight in wars and other Bible truths, hard for an honest person to go back to a traditional Church.
(Mark 7:13) Thus you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like this.”
I had no clue this would happen. It was a simple question and a simple yes/no would have sufficed. It's kind of fun to see all of the folks having so much fun. 737 views...67 comments...and counting.
Hello Element 99. The part that got my attention was the possible implication that ones like myself believe something like "The Bible said it, I believe it, and that settles it." without ever having investigated as to rather or not the Bible was inspired or not.
That's cool. I am open minded about most things, but cynical of others. I know little about the Bible ( I have learnt a few things reading some comments here.) The arguments are good and so far, nobody has gotten nasty.