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The majority of scholars admit that a woman emotionally stable enough to be President of the United States ...

Is on in a million, Margaret Thatcher being one, are you willing to take those odds, especially when Clinton starts out with a known criminal background?

Posted - August 8, 2016


  • Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong wrong! 

     That's a broad statement and it's only being brought up now because of HC.  If you do not liker her, fine. I don't like her.  But don't use an argument that has been dismissed and proven wrong long ago. It's rediculous and cast doubt on anything else said by the source.

      August 10, 2016 8:40 AM MDT

  • You can make allusion to how idiotic his statement is, or how idiocy permeates into anything he says, but you can't call him an idiot. You stepped over the little line there little missy. Task, task, task.

      August 10, 2016 10:58 AM MDT

  • Why are you giving this idiocy the legitimacy of your response? Are you really trying to debate with this little silly angry man?

      August 10, 2016 10:59 AM MDT

  • Your comparison of BahamaSurfDog and myself to Nazis is so f***ing stupid. You really show your ignorance when you talk like this. There is nothing far right about patriarchy. Virtually the entire world was patriarchal for all of recorded history. Gender egalitarianism is an experiment that has yet to prove it doesn't cause a complete societal collapse.

    I support humanity being what it is, not weird social engineering attempts to make it something it isn't. Men and women are different. It's just a biological fact. You are just trying to bend nature to be what you wish it to be, not what it is.

    Just because you can point to a few abuses of power in patriarchal societies, doesn't change the fact that it's the only societal structure that has ever worked. The reason history doesn't record great egalitarian civilizations is because any culture that attempts it collapses in ruin within a few generations and is overrun by a more dominant culture.

    Countries in Europe that obsess over equality, like Sweden, have a severely collapsing birthrates. They are letting Muslim immigrants flood in to stabilise their populations.

    The irony of the failure of western liberalism is that it is opening the door for the things that truly are illiberal, like Islam.

      August 10, 2016 11:29 AM MDT

  • A statement like that deserves to be backed up.

    What percentage is the majority?

    Please cite all metastudies of the subject.

    Please the names of the majority of scholars in psychology, sociology, criminology, anthropology, history, journalism, communications, and politics, and the scholarly articles in which they made these claims.

    Please tells us also the grounds for which they assert insufficient emotional stability.

    One wonders how the course of WWII would have gone if Churchhill had not been bi-polar or whether his condition made any difference to his ability to lead.

      August 10, 2016 11:45 AM MDT

  •   August 10, 2016 11:48 AM MDT

  • Well put.

    It's possible he actually isn't a successful businessman at all. If he was born rich, he could have paid the best businessmen to make his decisions for him.

      August 10, 2016 11:54 AM MDT

  • I find it very hard to imagine that you actually mean what you say and are not merely saying it to provoke discussion.

    I will grant that there's a tendency for woman in general to have more empathy - however women in politics tend to show little difference in empathy levels than men - and this may be related to the characteristics of personality that it takes to enter and succeed in politics.

    According to the PEW Research Centre on US Politics:

    "Women lean Democratic by 52%-36%; men are evenly divided (44% identify as Democrats or lean Democratic; 43% affiliate with or lean toward the GOP). Gender differences are evident in nearly all subgroups: For instance, Republicans lead among married men (51%-38%), while married women are evenly divided (44% Republican, 44% Democratic). Democrats hold a substantial advantage among all unmarried adults, but their lead in leaned partisan identification is greater among unmarried women (57%-29%) than among unmarried men (51%-34%)."

    but in addition the PEW finds in the demographics on education:

    'Democrats lead by 22 points (57%-35%) in leaned party identification among adults with post-graduate degrees. The Democrats’ edge is narrower among those with college degrees or some post-graduate experience (49%-42%), and those with less education (47%-39%).  Across all educational categories, women are more likely than men to affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic. The Democrats’ advantage is 35 points (64%-29%) among women with post-graduate degrees, but only eight points (50%-42%) among post-grad men."

    This suggests that the more skilled a person is in thinking, the more likely they are to vote Democrat,

    and that has very little to do with emotional stability.

    However, if you examined overseas democratic countries which have higher tax thresholds and more public services you would discover that they have a lower overall cost of living along with higher rates of education and employment, better statistics on health and lower rates of criminality and recidivism.

    There is ample proof that social welfare creates a more prosperous and more stable society.

    If you're unwilling to research it yourself, just ask me and I'll post you the statistics.

      August 10, 2016 12:09 PM MDT

  • Actually...I'm not showing my ignorance, I'm stating my opinion. without name-calling ;)

    The argument you make in rebuttal to my comment is reminiscent of Hitler's rise.  

    Democracy and capitalism is a failed experiment that is backed up with psuedo-facts and fear mongering. 

    Sweden is doing much better economically and socially than the US

    and BTW...Freedom to practice one's religion does not ONLY extend to Christianity.  Why do conservatives display ignorance with the US constitution when it contradicts their opinions?

      August 10, 2016 12:09 PM MDT

  • You're a walking example of why western civilization is going to collapse. You criticise me for believing in patriarchy, but give Islam a free pass. (Even though they are FAR FAR more patriarchal than I am and believe in all kinds of illiberal stuff.)

    The U.S. constitution bans congress passing laws that prohibit the free practice of a religion. It's only applies domestically. (European nations have similar laws.) It has nothing to do with immigration control. Non citizens have no right to residency. They are free to practice their religion somewhere else.

    We have a border to stop ourselves being overrun by other cultures. If you can't see the need for a small nation like Sweden to keep out a culture that disagrees with them on EVERYTHING and has 5 kids each, you're a complete idiot. Sweden will be an Islamic State within a few decades.

      August 10, 2016 12:54 PM MDT

  • where do I give Islam a free pass?

    They are free to practice their religion somewhere else.

    And they should also be free to practice it in the US.  The cionstituion guarantees that freedom

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Since I have proven you wrong and have shown that your commentary is contrary to the principles in which the US was founded, we should end this as it is completely off-topic which is...

    The majority of scholars admit that a woman emotionally stable enough to be President of the United States ..

    I'm curious as to who these scholars are what study shows where the majority of THESE scholars agree

      August 10, 2016 1:05 PM MDT