Good thing Australia has such strict gun laws, eh?
Even in a nation whose population is less than 14% of that of the US, mass shootings like this still happen...
Only seven killed? And that's the deadliest in decades? Sounds pretty good in comparison to some countries. Seems to me the USA has a mass shooting at least every three months.
This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at May 11, 2018 7:01 PM MDT
OK, you win, everything about anything approaching any type of gun control is BAD. Australia's gun approach is bad and wrong and unsuccessful. And it's all obviously misdirected. Guns for everyone! Whatever the size of either country, I still think the number of mass shootings in the USA is bad, with or without whatever we do or not do about guns and mental health and whatever.
And I'm simply in a piss-poor mood. I'm sorry. I read your comment at the wrong time. I'm sorry. :( I'm angry and depressed about other things in my life right now. Unfair of me to lash out with my comment, Stu Bee. I'm sorry.
This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at May 11, 2018 7:33 PM MDT
And just to set the record straight, I'm not a big fan of guns. I just believe that gun laws, much like drug laws, are not very effective in preventing access on the black market.