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What's your favorite tree (option) and why is it your favorite tree?

The Alder tree is my favorite tree for a few good reasons and maybe one bad reason. Alder trees are a very beneficial tree they improve the soil around them and they are one of the better trees for taking in carbon and releasing oxygen plus they are one of the few trees that store and release oxygen into the soil. Also they make a good fire wood - fairly high BTU and it's a easy tree to harvest and split. And alder tree leaves are good for garden mulch. The possible bad reason to why I like Alder trees is - if your an out door illegal cannabis grower an Alder tree is your best friend. Alder trees and pot plants look exactly the same to an inferred camera so if you plant around them it fools the helicopter police (alder trees are one of the few or maybe the the only tree that does that). Cheers!

Posted - August 10, 2016


  • I hate trees.  They just stand around looking stupid and doing nothing.  They also take up valuable commercial real estate. 

      August 10, 2016 8:07 PM MDT

  • 36

    Pink dogwoods in the spring. They're beautiful.

      August 10, 2016 8:13 PM MDT

  • 1264

    I like the grandeur of the giant redwoods in northern California. 

      August 11, 2016 6:35 AM MDT