Personally, I have higher expectations of myself and my fellow members of the tribe, ie Jews. If you know anything about Judaism and its customs and practices, you know that living a meaningfully Jewish life - involving tefilah (prayer/spirituality), tzedakah (charity/caring for and giving to others in need), and t'shuvah (humility/repentance) - is perhaps more challenging than that of most other religions, especially in places without a lot of other Jews around. This is partly illustrated by more observant people and the time and effort they devote to upholding our rather stringent rules of kashrut (dietary laws) - did you know that some Jewish folks keep separate sets of dishes and utensils for serving dairy and meat meals? In the extreme, some even have separate sinks and dishwashers.
One could argue that Christians have it relatively easy given their numbers in the population and resulting domination (not always in negative ways) of mass/popular culture and social standards.