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Do you think president Trump leadership could not only make America great again but make America even greater than she ever was?

What hurdles do you think might be impeding him from achieving such an accomplishment? 

Posted - June 4, 2018


  • 13277
    She? We're a nation, not a woman.
      June 4, 2018 10:25 AM MDT

  • 13395
    I checked first to make sure was ok to refer to a country as 'she'...

      June 4, 2018 10:47 AM MDT

  • 17641
    I think him winning the election was the best surprise America has ever received.   Don't try to add words to my statement.  Nothing can be surmised from it.  
      June 4, 2018 12:30 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Ah, the lawyer in you---always ready to represent either plaintiff of defendant.

    Gens---Latin, root of nation (gentem) is feminine gender.

    In one of CS Lewis's books, he commented that male and female were biological life's participation of that greater polarity in the universe of masculine and feminine and it was not random that (navis) ship was feminine gender in Latin.

      June 4, 2018 12:53 PM MDT

  • 13395
    The betting odds against Trump winning were 7 to 1 so it was a good surprise for some gamblers anyway. 
    Or maybe it was the gamblers who 'fixed' the election results. 
      June 4, 2018 1:28 PM MDT

  • 2658
    His hubristic syndrome/ behavior... This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at June 4, 2018 4:52 PM MDT
      June 4, 2018 1:45 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Yes I do, and he has kept more promises in less time than any other president before him.  It would help if everyone had the same goal to bring back america to its former great state. But when Hillary lost the presidential election to Trump, the democrats and letists couldn't except that as truth, and continue to harp and complain about their losing the election, even when It is obvious that he is doing a great job, and keeping almost all his campaign promises. Unlike many presidents before him, except perhaps JFK and Ronald Reagan.  Even the blatant obvious achievements go unappreciated by the Democrats because they find it impossible to break through there brain washing perpetuated by the Fake News Media sources.  Fox news is the closest thing you could get to Real News, besides Alex Jones Info Wars. The reason why people protest too much about those news sources,  is because truth is often times stranger than fiction, and we tend to be more willing to believe opinion and unsubstantiated news sources, when news should be based on the reporting of news, not the personal opinion on the news reported. Back in the day, reporters strictly reported the news. Today, reporters on some Main Steam sources, report how they interpret the information, whether it be accurate or not, its still just opinion and bias toward the Right. Fox News and Info Wars are the only news sources that tell it like it is, not like how it out to be, by making up stuff to fit their addenda to take down our president. It makes me sick to see how unamerican these dominantly liberal news media sources, twist and demonize the president to the level of being treasonous.  
      June 4, 2018 2:56 PM MDT

  • 13395
    The next Democrat to be elected president will likely be demonized by the Republican Conservatives again.

    This post was edited by Kittigate at June 4, 2018 6:10 PM MDT
      June 4, 2018 3:28 PM MDT

  • 5391
    You’re not kidding, are you?
    Fox News? ...oy vey. 
      June 4, 2018 4:33 PM MDT

  • 2658
      June 4, 2018 6:33 PM MDT

  • 5391
      June 4, 2018 6:48 PM MDT

  • 17026
    You can't be serious? The rest of the world is laughing its collective a$$ off. He's the worst president since Harding - that's including Hoover and both Bushes. The US has NEVER had a more divisive President. It remains to be seen which of the "his name is Legion" scandals will turn out to be his "Teapot Dome". This post was edited by Slartibartfast at June 4, 2018 8:58 PM MDT
      June 4, 2018 4:19 PM MDT

  • 5391
    No. The greatest hurdle is Trump‘s own character. 
      June 4, 2018 4:32 PM MDT

  • It depends how you define "great."

    Great - 

    1. Of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average.

    1.1 Impressive or grand. ‘a great ocean between them’

    1.2 attributive  - in names of animals or plants which are larger than similar kinds, e.g. great tit, greater celandine.

    1.3 attributive - in place names Denoting the larger or largest part of a place.‘Great Malvern’

            1.4 attributive  - (of a city) including adjacent urban areas.’ 

    e.g. Greater Manchester’

    2     Of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above average.

    2.1 the Great - Used as a title to denote the most important person of the name.

    2.2 informal Very good; excellent.

    2.3 informal (of a person) very skilled in a particular area.

    3 attributive -  Used before a noun to emphasize a particular description of someone or something.‘her great friend Joe’

          3.1 Denoting the element of something that is the most important or the most worthy of consideration.

    3.2 Used to reinforce another adjective of size or extent.

    3.3 Used to express surprise, admiration, or contempt, especially in exclamations. ‘you great oaf!’

    4 in combination (in names of family relationships) denoting one degree further removed upwards or downwards.
    ‘great-aunt’, ’great-great-grandfather’

    5 Irish predicative (of two people) on very close or intimate terms. ‘one of the boys was very great with her’


    So the question is, is America's relative greatness defined by the size of its geographic area, population, economy, armed forces, democracy, freedom of speech, levels of justice and personal freedom, freedom from violence, protections of human rights, records of compassion, inventions, and/or culture?

    The USA has the largest economy in the world at $19.42 trillion, which is 25% of the gross world product, followed by China's $11.8 trillion and Japan's $4.84 trillion. 
    By this statistic, even if the USA's GDP has dropped, it is nowhere near at risk of falling below any other country's economy - or at least, not in the foreseeable future.
    China's population is 1.404 billion, India's 1.324 billion, and the USA's 311.6 million, so both China's and India's economies could easily outstrip America's.

    How would Americans rate America's greatness on all the other measures?

    Could the concepts of greatness and nationalism be tools of populist government, and if so, for what purpose are they used?

    Must "greatness"  mean competition at the expense of others,
    or could it mean willingness to interact as a global friend with other nations?

    Is "greatness" a quality demanded by every nation's ego in order to feel good about the national-self?
    Is this necessary to the national welfare?
    And if so, is any nation willing and able to be honest about itself?

    In all the world's history, every great culture has met a point at which it over-reaches itself and meets a point at which decay becomes inevitable.
    There are built-in forces of entropy which mean that all living entities one day die.

    So the question could also be, if greatness is defined by a nation's, an empire's or a culture's achievements at its prime, how mature is the USA?

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 4, 2018 11:21 PM MDT
      June 4, 2018 10:38 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Thanks -lots of points of interest. 
      June 5, 2018 12:36 AM MDT