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Do you think movies and television shows are bad for us?

Do you ever notice how people seem more consistant and honest within a storyline to a movie or a TV show than people are in real life?
In some movies a boy will see a beautiful woman and think "She's the one" so he courts her and they fall in love and live happily ever after.
In real life when a boy sees a beautiful woman usually every other boy is looking at that same beautiful woman thinking "She's the one."
Those beautiful women have a lot of options and are used to having a lot of attention and in reality they aren't the nicest or most loyal people to date, just saying.
Forget movies and TV and don't chase after the leading lady types.
Pay attention to the girls who chase after you and you may have a much happier life.
That's my theory, thanks.

Posted - June 6, 2018


  • 6023
    Don't pay attention to anybody who chases after you.
    That is unhealthy behavior, and they aren't ready for a relationship.
      June 6, 2018 11:48 AM MDT

  • 23427
    You may have a good point there, Walt O'Reagun.
    At the very least, it's something to take into account.
      June 6, 2018 12:11 PM MDT

  • 666
    I just mean that in school I had a crush on the prettiest girl in class.
    I thought that life was like the movies and eventually we would end up together.
    Well, we didn't and everyone else wanted her too and she turned out to be a very promiscuous person and cheated on her husband and all kinds of mess.
    I ended up marrying another woman that I met later who was the most beautiful woman in the room.
    She turned out the same way.
    Years later I think about the girls that I didn't talk to in school and how nice they were to me and what good wives they seem to have turned out to be.
    I feel like maybe I always gave my attention to the wrong ones because I watched too many movies and I didn't understand what the most physically beautiful girls are capable of.
    I should have dated girls that would value me is all I'm saying. This post was edited by Summer at June 6, 2018 12:16 PM MDT
      June 6, 2018 12:13 PM MDT

  • 23427
    Good point, too, Summer. Your added details make sense to me
      June 6, 2018 12:17 PM MDT

  • 666
    Anyway, I just avoid TV and movies now because I'm scared that they give false hope to people about relationships.
    I don't really believe that people are truly loyal.
    I think a lot of people are more selfish and shallow than they portray on TV.
    I was listening to some song on the radio and the lyric said something to the effect of "Most of us have cheated, the rest of us have tried."
    I remember thinking "Wow, if we really search our souls that's probably true."
    What do you think? This post was edited by Summer at June 6, 2018 12:32 PM MDT
      June 6, 2018 12:22 PM MDT

  • 23427
    It may be true?
    I don't know -- I've never been in a true love relationship. I had a relatively longterm 'friends with benefits' type of deal  until he broke it off - - in a good way. He was nice about it and we still get along fine even though we see each other very, very rarely.
    Other than that, I did allow one guy to break my heart -- granted, we were still in the beginning stages of the relationship but he SO made SO many promises to me about us being together forever. Cards every other day he sent and called me almost daily. Then he simply stopped it all. After all those promises -- that's what hurt, the promises he made.
    But, anyway, I share all that only to show that I may not be the best one to answer your question, ha!
    A lot of words, though, for you to have read.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at June 6, 2018 12:38 PM MDT
      June 6, 2018 12:38 PM MDT

  • 666
    That's kind of what I mean though.
    We pretend like we're on TV or characters in movies.
    We make promises to each other and vows to one another that turn out to be fake.
    We play the part and say the right things (like we hear on tv) but then people DO the opposite a lot of the time.

    Sometimes when I see my child watching TV and watching the romantic relationships within a sitcom I feel like telling him that it's not real.
    Penny wouldn't date Leonard on the big bang theory and even if she did she would cheat like crazy.
    Monica wouldn't marry Chandler on friends.
    She would cheat with Tom Selleck for sure.
    Leah Remini wouldn't date, marry or stay married to "Doug" on King of Queens.
    It's just all fantasy and I worry that it sends the wrong message to people.
    Hearts get broken because everyone is trying to marry girls that look like Kaley Cuoco, Courtney Cox, Leah Gemini etc.
    Girls who look like that in real life are dangerous is all I'm saying.
    At least for average looking guys.

    This post was edited by Summer at June 6, 2018 3:14 PM MDT
      June 6, 2018 2:56 PM MDT

  • 23427
    Interesting take on it all --  and not without merit, too.
      June 6, 2018 3:16 PM MDT

  • 666
    Thanks, you as well.
    It make's me sad that people aren't like they are on TV.
    I think we're somewhat more like animals in real life.
    We do what we want and then we try to keep up a civilized more politically correct appearance to avoid judgment from others.

    This post was edited by Summer at June 7, 2018 7:57 AM MDT
      June 6, 2018 4:40 PM MDT

  • 10562
    TV and movies tend to give us a false sense of reality because we have a hard time realizing that they're fiction.   Actors/actresses made up to look beautiful TV reading a pre-written script.  The boy who gets (or doesnt get) the beautiful girl was known long before the show even started.   

    If one cannot consider a real life woman beautiful when she first rolls out of bed in the morning, then they have a deluded sense of what real beauty is.

    Guys like beautiful women.  They want a woman who's pleasing to the eye; whose fat is proportioned in just the right places.  (yes, all that "beauty" is really just fat - breasts, butt, face, etc.).  But as they say, beauty is only skin deep.

    A long time ago there was a song titled "Get an ugly girl to marry you".  It was ment to be funny, but it has a point...

    If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life,
    Never make a pretty woman your wife.
    So from my personal point of view,
    Get an ugly girl to marry you.

    A pretty woman makes her husband look small,
    And very often causes his downfall.
    As soon as he marries her, then she starts,
    To do the things that will break his heart.

    But if you make an ugly woman your wife,
    You'll be happy for the rest of your life.
      June 6, 2018 1:16 PM MDT

  • 23427
    That's a good song -- I always liked it.
      June 6, 2018 3:17 PM MDT

  • 666
    Yup, they've been warning us in songs for a long time.
    I did marry a really attractive woman and it was really hard and it almost was my downfall.
    Now I do see beauty differently.
    I am attracted to people who are considerate, empathetic and very open and transparent.

    Now "Hot women" are just something I look at as they walk by.
    I know their game, I've played it with them and lost before.
    I don't want to play anymore. LoL!
    I want someone that I can count on and love and truly feel loved by.

    This post was edited by Summer at June 6, 2018 3:18 PM MDT
      June 6, 2018 3:08 PM MDT

  • 10052
    As long as you acknowledge that this theory goes both ways, I'll not disagree with you. 

      June 6, 2018 7:35 PM MDT

  • 666
    Oh absolutely.
    I think women who want the star football player or the tall muscular guys who look like movie stars find out the hard way too.
    Those guys have options and don't want to be tied down.
    They'll take advantage and sleep around too.
    They will break your heart, it happened to my sister.
    I think TV and movies tell us what we want and they give us unrealistic expectations.
    I mean, I know women who are really into Thor and Superman right now.
    Chris Hemsworth and Henry Cavill.
    I read a woman's profile where she ended it by saying "Superman is the Sh_t."
    I mean who looks like those guys, really?
    Even those guys had to train forever to look that good for those movies.
    I just don't think these movies are realistic and I can't compete with Thor, you know? LoL!

      June 6, 2018 8:08 PM MDT

  • 23427
    "Even those guys had to train forever to look that good for those movies." You're right! --  I read that a lot.

    And Christian Bale, an actor I like, will physically go to extremes for a role from what I've read (I think).
    I know he went to "the-opposite-of-muscles" extremes for his role in "The Machinist" -- GREAT movie to me! And I believe I read that the director of the movie was very concerned that Bale had lost way too much weight for the movie. Bale's physical appearance certainly made the movie's plot honest and believable. And creepy. Great movie, like I said. Bale was phenomenal to me in it.

    Here are pictures, with one of them of how he looked in the movie.
    (Be right back -- forgot to copy-and-paste the image!)

    Image result for christian bale THe Machinist This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at June 7, 2018 8:17 AM MDT
      June 7, 2018 8:17 AM MDT

  • 666
    Oh yes.
    He really did do an extreme physical transformation.
    I've never seen The Machinist yet, but Christian Bale is definitely one of my favorite actors.
    He takes his craft very seriously and with good results.
    I get your point though.
    Actors go to extremes to present a certain image to the audience.
    We start to believe in what we see because it's portrayed so well.
    Unfortunately most scripts are fantasy and don't always show people as they really are.
    It's kind of a sugar coated version of reality usually designed to make us feel good.
    In a lot of movies people are dedicated to each other and they have a love deeper than anything else.
    In real life people seem more self-centered.
    They have their marriages and they have people that they text and flirt with on the side and some sleep around and everyone lives in this fog pretending to be someone they're not because we all want to be the hero in the movie.
    I think it confuses people.
    I think it can be shocking and heartbreaking when we finally learn the truth.

      June 7, 2018 9:40 AM MDT

  • 23427
    I highly recommend "The Machinist." A very 'different' and unique movie to me. And Bale is superb in it in my opinion.
      June 7, 2018 11:24 AM MDT

  • 666
    I should see it.
    I liked his performances in "Out of the Furnace" and "The Fighter."

      June 7, 2018 12:25 PM MDT

  • 10052
    That movie (Machinist) was sooo creepy to me. Very good film, but really weird. 

    The work ethic of some actors is really incredible, isn't it? 
      June 7, 2018 10:41 AM MDT

  • 23427
    It was really a weird and creepy movie for sure!
      June 7, 2018 11:22 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I was tired last night when I posted, haha. I'll elaborate a bit. 

    My complete thoughts are this: I do believe that physical appearance is one of the many influences on human behavior. I don't think your generalization is entirely fair, because there are physically beautiful people of both genders who are honest, faithful, genuinely wonderful humans who don't behave as you described. Ironically, I've even seen people use the fact that they aren't particularly physically attractive use that as an excuse for being unfaithful (said that they felt insecure about not being "pretty", so they learned to use their sexuality in order to feel validated and get attention). Humans are complex creatures. We're a mix of genetics, chemicals, experiences and choices. For some people, being physically beautiful is a hindrance when it comes to how they behave, for others the opposite is true. 

      June 7, 2018 11:09 AM MDT

  • 23427
    Good points, yes, SavvyAnsley. I do know very good looking people and more 'regularly-attractive' (for lack of better term) who are are very nice people. Looks, by themselves, are not indicative of any type of behavior in all cases.
      June 7, 2018 11:27 AM MDT

  • 10052
    It's true. Everyone has their own idea of beauty/attractiveness, too. Physically and otherwise. 
      June 8, 2018 9:39 PM MDT

  • 666
    I'm just going by everything I've experienced and observed so far in my actual life.
    Yes I am generalizing, but television and movies to me usually generalize in the opposite direction.
    Pretending that beautiful people are all beautiful on the inside too.
    It's gone on for a long time and to me it's dangerous.
    I guess it also depends on your position and perspective in life.
    You will never be me or deal with the relationships I've had or get to experience them as an average guy, kind of cute, but not quite cute enough you know?
    Yes, there may be physically beautiful people out there who are also wonderful human beings.
    I'm a little skeptical about that honesty because looks can be deceiving and sometimes people who aren't so great are treated as if they are great just because they look great.
    Aside from all of that my true point is that none of us humans are really that wonderful.
    I think we have these delusions about ourselves partly from TV and movies.

    This post was edited by Summer at June 7, 2018 12:40 PM MDT
      June 7, 2018 12:37 PM MDT