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Do you think movies and television shows are bad for us?

Do you ever notice how people seem more consistant and honest within a storyline to a movie or a TV show than people are in real life?
In some movies a boy will see a beautiful woman and think "She's the one" so he courts her and they fall in love and live happily ever after.
In real life when a boy sees a beautiful woman usually every other boy is looking at that same beautiful woman thinking "She's the one."
Those beautiful women have a lot of options and are used to having a lot of attention and in reality they aren't the nicest or most loyal people to date, just saying.
Forget movies and TV and don't chase after the leading lady types.
Pay attention to the girls who chase after you and you may have a much happier life.
That's my theory, thanks.

Posted - June 6, 2018


  • 10052
    It would be an interesting social experiment if film and TV execs started using only average or below-average looking actors to portray all of the hero and heroine characters, and the ultra-attractive ones were all villains and a$$holes. Obviously that's never going to happen, but it would be cool to see what kind of influence that might have on how society views beauty. 

    You are absolutely right about people accepting bad behavior from beautiful people when they wouldn't tolerate it from a less attractive person. The same can be said about people with money and power, don't you think? 

    I think it's really about surrounding ourselves with people who are the right mix of rotten and wonderful for us, and doing our best to ignore and be tolerant of those who aren't. 


      June 8, 2018 9:36 PM MDT

  • 666
    Yeah, I like your idea of reversing roles in movies.
    That would be cool.
    I would love to see more "Reality" in movies and television.
    We need truth.

    I know in real life that "Beautiful people" seem happier and are sometimes more fun to be around and they seem pretty care free.
    I just think that people who haven't been beautiful their whole lives tend to empathize better with others.
    Mostly because some of them honestly know what rejection and being bullied and left out, embarrassed or abused and disadvantaged feels like.
    People who have been beautiful and loved can feel sad for others, but they never really know the pain, you know?
    It's not their fault it's just their position in life.
    Also some less attractive people can be very jealous and spiteful and scary to be around.
    They're not all wonderful either.
    Like you said "People are complex."

    I guess we do have to look for the mix of rotten and wonderful as you put it.
    People seem to all have these sides to them.
    Some more than others.
    We're not as one dimensional as we are portrayed on TV.
    Everyone is capable of being good and being bad and we are. You know what I mean? This post was edited by Summer at June 8, 2018 11:59 PM MDT
      June 8, 2018 11:56 PM MDT

  • 10052
    It's likely that men are more affected by this "delusion" than women because men are generally more visually stimulated than women. Women are probably more likely to be attracted to other attributes. 
    A lot of this is as much about human nature as it is outside influences, like TV and films. 

    I absolutely do know what you mean. :)
      June 10, 2018 6:04 PM MDT

  • 666
    Maybe in some ways men are more affected.
    Mostly because a lot of writers for film and television are male.
    We have a fantasy about being heroes and we have fantasies about how we want women to treat us.
    Men write storylines that women are hired to participate in opposite the leading man.
    It's sweet and the audience eats it up.
    The truth is that not all men are heroes and not all women stand by their men loyally and faithfully and wait for them to return from battle or work or whatever.
    People get these idealistic notions from film and television.
    We start to think that we should trust our partners before it's ever earned.
    I think it leads to a rude awakening.

    This post was edited by Summer at June 10, 2018 6:54 PM MDT
      June 10, 2018 6:52 PM MDT

  • 10052
    I'm not bashing men for being more visually stimulated, it's simply part of their nature. 

    I've been more influenced by books that I've read than by TV and films I've seen, but I agree that some people do have a hard time understanding the difference between reality and fiction. 

    I'm astounded by the amount of trust many people put into complete strangers. I know that I'm overly cautious, but in this age of online dating, people are entirely too careless with not only their hearts but their physical safety, in my opinion. 

      June 10, 2018 7:36 PM MDT

  • 666
    I agree.
    I'm probably the biggest example of all of this.
    That's why I talk about it so much.
    I was totally the guy who grew up on TV and movies.
    I was idealistic to a fault.
    I loved and trusted women more than is even reasonable considering that people aren't perfect.
    I've been stomped on in my relationships for being too trusting.
    It's been hard for me to let go of my old ways of thinking.
    I have had dangerous online experiences as well and I'm finding out a lot about the reality of relationships and people and life lately.

      June 10, 2018 8:31 PM MDT

  • 23427
    Yeah, I think it can go both ways, too, SavvyAnsley.
    Gay or straight, too.
      June 7, 2018 8:18 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well please don't hate us because we're beautiful.  We can't help that just as we can't help receiving the attention that often comes with that.  We all have strengths and weaknesses that we must learn to exploit in making a life for ourselves.  Best to understand that we are human and imperfect just like you and not to expect too much from us.  But rather be glad when we come together and enjoy the hell out of it while it lasts. 

    I think men go for the beautiful ones because they want to impress their friends and increase their status with other men.  Those of us who are not beautiful - or even pretty or cute - are just as human and imperfect. 

    Oh we "cheat" not because we are beautiful but simply because we like the attention and the strokes. 

    Go for someone you take the time to get to know,  someone you enjoy being with as much as possible, someone you can be friends with. 

    Best way of getting to know people and about people is socializing with them. I mean face-to-face in person socializing.  The less you actually interact with people in person the more you tend to fall back on romantic ideals.  Even in the most romantic relationships 80% of the time it will not be about romance at all but about more mundane things. 
      June 7, 2018 9:11 AM MDT

  • 666
    I think you illustrated my point well.
    I guess my take away from all of this is that people are not perfect.
    Don't make the mistake of thinking that we are because it will only lead to pain.
    Movies and TV shows are mostly bullsh_t and it can be dangerous to base our expectations off of these wonderful, idealistic versions of reality.
    Understanding what people really are before we get involved with one another is crucial in my opinion.
    There's a whole other layer to people that isn't pretty and doesn't get shown on TV.

      June 7, 2018 9:53 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Ideals are good but they are just ideals and we should not confuse them with reality. Movies and TV are only entertainment and if we are entertained by idealism then we go for them.  Perhaps they will help make us better people as well but never forget what is real.  I don't look like Leah Remini or Kaley Cuoco or Courtney Cox but I am real and have my own life just as they have theirs. 
      June 7, 2018 10:10 AM MDT

  • 666
    Exactly, thanks. : )
      June 7, 2018 12:44 PM MDT

  • 7790
    Believe it or not. Other people's big mouths are bad for us. Not television shows so much.
      June 7, 2018 10:43 AM MDT

  • 666
    I don't know to whom's mouth you're referring?
    I do think it's important to speak freely and try to question things though.
    I don't care who speaks, I just try to take a little bit of truth from everyone's opinion.
    That's how I learn.

      June 7, 2018 12:48 PM MDT

  • 7790
    Let me clarify. I'm talking in general to anyone whom they think is talking too much and really should shut the pie hole under their nose. Not you though.
      June 7, 2018 12:55 PM MDT

  • 666
    Oh ok, thanks.
    I thought maybe you didn't like me.
    Thanks for the clarification.
    Happy Thursday. : )
      June 7, 2018 1:27 PM MDT