Discussion»Questions»Politics» Let's have a contest and whoever comes closest gets 100 dollars. How long will Trump last before he is kicked out of office for good?
He'll probably last his term because he's managed to stay out of prison most if his life so far. He's new to being the president, but he's not new to being in trouble. He's a master at getting away with things and if the last election was any indicator of how crazy the political climate is he might even go eight years. The real question in my opinion is "How long can the COUNTRY last under Trump's control?"
This post was edited by Summer at February 21, 2019 8:35 AM MST
Undetermined. Anybody's guess. He will last until he discovers that he cannot pardon himself -which as he says IF he is proven to have done something illegal.
Well I probably won't need the $100 because I might be moving to Montana soon and become a Dental floss tycoon. But I figure as of yesterday Trumps days in office really decreased - US law makers launched a probe to see if Donald Trump sold sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia so I figure Trump will be out in 6 months. Cheers!
My bet is that Avenatti and the Cohen case is really going to open up the biggest nest of vipers and end him for good.
I will give Trump this much. NO ONE IN HISTORY HAS CREATED THIS KIND OF MOVIE, PLOT, STORY, TALE, anything you could relate as something that happened. NO ONE HAS CREATED THIS. EVER. HE is a MASTER of DESTRUCTION.
Ya that Cohen case will be next week and I can't wait. Bet it will make a lot of people close to Trump realise that they better start distancing them self's from Trump and they will try to do that by throwing each other under the bus. Maybe soon the only members of the GOP will be Donald Trump - his daughter and his son in law and that could change soon because Trumps son in law is part of the probe into the selling of nuclear technology probe. It's going to be interesting to hear what Trump has to say after the Cohen thing - maybe Trump will say something stupid and dig himself into a deeper hole. Cheers!