If you're putting up with pregnancy and childbirth "on a regular basis", your man needs to consider a vasectomy. Or do it yourself while he's asleep, Lorena Bobbitt style.
Is pregnancy and childbirth really that bad? A year or two after having a baby, many women want another one. I have NEVER heard of a dude wanting to get the flu again.
I'm being facetious of course. I was present for the births of our kids and my better half went through hell - but was transfigured into an angel the first time each of them was laid in her arms. Menstrual cramps I also know about second-hand - some women don't get them or experience only mild discomfort, but before her doctor put her on the Pill my daughter was kneeling on the bathroom floor three days each month, screaming for me, her mother or God to "JUST MAKE IT STOP!"
That said, MAN flu is miserable and I'm not getting the sympathy I deserve ...