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Holly was the tree magic wands were made from and is it fitting that the movie industry with all of its occult influences,

subliminal programming and suggestion took on the name HOLLYWOOD?

Posted - June 16, 2018


  • 6477
    Hmm interesting thought... however, it's a bit conspiracy theory for my liking - mainly because magic wands can be made out of all kinds of wood, elm for instance, and willow...  Also holly has a long tradition of being protective... so not sure it's sinister as you say... and not all that sure Hollywood is.. it's made a lot of people happy.
      June 16, 2018 11:05 AM MDT

  • The Hollywood sign initially was an advertisement
    for a housing development, Hollywoodland, in 1923.

      June 16, 2018 11:36 AM MDT

  • 5835

    What are the Harry Potter wands made of?
    It is made from wood and has a magical substance at its core. Wands made by Ollivander have cores of phoenix feather, unicorn hair or dragon heartstring, and are of varying woods, lengths and flexibilities.
    Wands | Pottermore Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

    What kind of wood is Voldemort's wand made of?
    Tom Riddle's wand was 13 1/2" in length. The wand was made from yew with a phoenix feather core.It was manufactured by Garrick Ollivander and was the "brother" or "twin" of the wand of Harry Potter, as their wands share cores.
    What is Voldemort's wand made of? - Quora

    What is Snape's wand made of?
    Severus Snape's wand is slim and spare, with no embellishments. Other than that, there is no specific information given in any book or on Pottermore about the wood, core material or length of the wand. ... The wood might be any of these - Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Red Oak and Silver Lime(Snape was a skilled at legilimency).
    What is Severus Snape's wand made of? - Quora

    What is Ginny's wand made out of?
    Ginny Weasley's wand is made of yew wood with an unknown length and core materials. The wand was manufactured by Garrick Ollivander, sometime before Ginny began her education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
    Ginevra Weasley's wand | Harry Potter Wiki | FANDOM powered by ...

    The use of the magic wand can be traced back to proto-Indo-European times, as shown by its appearance in both Zoroastrianism as well the early Hinduism.

    Zoroastrianism and the Magi
    The magi of the ancient world were the priesthood of the Zoroastrian religion. As Plato noted, magic (mageia) refers to "the Magian lore of Zoroaster" ( Alchibiades 1.122). The baresman (Phl. barsom), or sacred bundle of twigs (or "slender wands"), is a ritual implement which has played an important part in Zoroastrian religious practices since prehistoric times. According to Kotwal and Boyd, the baresman is an "ancient Indo-Iranian emblem of seeking the Holy", and it "establishes a connecting link between this getig [material] world and the menog [spiritual] realm. The barsom is, as it were, the conduit through which the archetypal principles and powers manifest their presence and receive the offerings." (A Persian offering, 1991, p. 6, 10; words in square brackets are mine). It is also an instrument through which one acquires the sacred power (op. cit. p. 23). Perhaps then it is also a conduit for channeling the power outwards, and thus is a prototypical 'magic wand'. The baresman is traditionally made of tamarisk trigs, although in modern times metal rods have been substituted.

    ETA: pottermore.wikia(dot)com and harrypotter.wikia(dot)com are http urls. Delete the 's'. Same for the last link.

    This post was edited by Not Sure at June 16, 2018 4:59 PM MDT
      June 16, 2018 4:56 PM MDT