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How should you compare Justin Trudeau to Donald Trump...?

Posted - June 16, 2018


  • 6477
    The former has manners and the other doesn't
    The former is intelligent and understands what's going on  - the other doesn't
    The former has class - the other has zero
    The former is someone who speaks sense and delivers it intelligently - the latter speaks nonsense and is delivered like an illiterate buffoon = or else things those he is speaking to are
    The former commands respect with his sane, reasoning - the other commands ridicule, with his ridiculous ill-educated rants
    The former is respected around the world - the latter is disrespected and this brings disrespect upon his people who are tarred with the same brush. 
    The former is instantly likeable - the latter is instantly inspires dislike from every pore.
    The former isn't a megalomaniac - the latter is
    The former shows clearly in every speech and action that he cares about his country and more importantly the people he REPRESENTS - the latter shows exactly the opposite and demonstrates he is a childish brat who cares only for himself and his pocket
    The former is able to conduct himself with dignity - the latter makes a laughing stock of himself regularly, or displays his childishness/ignorance
    The former works hard for his country - the latter slopes off golfing and spends his time vegging out or tweeting. 
    The former is pleasant to look at - the other is as ugly as sin
    The former is a human being, and humane - I know the latter isn't humane and I am not so sure about the human part either. 

    Shall I go on? 

      June 16, 2018 2:26 PM MDT

  • 13395
    That's fine thanks. 
      June 16, 2018 3:16 PM MDT

  • 11479
    Here is an example of Trudeau's dignity, manners and class. :) 

      June 16, 2018 6:15 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Guess everybody has their moments! 
      June 16, 2018 8:04 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Well now, that was interesting wasn't it  I note that the footage really doesn't show anything deliberate..  but even so... Justin unreservedly apologised, several times, as in repeatedly, even though from the video it really isn't clear what happened... it DOES look like an accident..  He was clearly mortified by what happened but also very keen to apologise unreservedly... What does unreservedly mean again??? This is something we Brits excel in... if someone bumps into us in the street our immediate reaction is to apologise, "Oh, I am so sorry.." even if we didn't do anything wrong, it's manners...  Justin clearly demonstrated he has manners AND that he was willing to stand up and apologise unreservedly demonstrates clear dignity. 

    I love this stuff, analysing is what I do... attention to detail...  and if you watch the vid you can see that there was no deliberate action regarding this woman... 

    Now since this thread is all about comparisons.. if you recall Trumpet physically pushed his way to the front, and deliberately snubbing others... AND we never saw ONE apology.. not one..  Remember when the utterly uncouth lacking in class toad got out of the car for his inauguration leaving his wife to get out and completely failing in manners or consideration to escort her up the steps to meet Obama? I will never forget that moment - it showed me totally who he really is.. He has NO manners, no class and it a totally revolting beat, barely human at all.  Compare that action with Obama.. Obama went round to collect his wife and escorted her, sending the clear message he values her and she is important to him.. The opposite was shown by that totally disgusting slime Trump.

    FWIW Trump actually makes a habit of pushing his way in..and in his case there's no question of it being an accident. it's deliberate and unmistakable, habitual...  and this was evident by how rejected and isolated he is in international events.. the man is nothing short of an ignorant pig and this behaviour isn't tolerated outside of the US.  Remember when he was left standing on his own, in a photoshoot, shunned by everyone else at an international event? Remember how even the pope could barely disguise his dislike of Trump?? And those photoshoots are not conjecture, they are not mistakable or open to interpretation...they aren't accidents like Justin's was... sooo...... 

      June 17, 2018 3:16 AM MDT

  • 11479
    Boy, you just have to reiterate your same old  points don't you? I thought the smiley face would deter you, but no.

    You must have watched the clip with the sound off and your eyes half-closed. Trudeau got upset, deliberately got up from his seat, deliberately pushed people aside and deliberately manhandled someone. He apologized after he was called out on his behavior and for elbowing a woman (he half-heartedly started to go after her, but then returned to his seat instead). I don't think this is typical behavior for him or any Canadian, I just posted it in a lighthearted way to show that as Kittigate says, everyone can have his moment. This got little press compared to Trump's  thoughtless hand on someone's shoulder, with no collateral damage, at a photo shoot. Can you even imagine what the press would have done to Trump if he had done what Trudeau did?

    Please don't bother with one of your long, defensive responses. I have no desire to hear more of your rants which say more about you than about Trump.  Your mind is made up and the idea that the world is not black and white is probably more than you can grasp.

    I don't think physical appearance and personality matter more than policy when it comes to politics. And PLEASE do not take this as an endorsement of anything Trump. That was not my intent.  This post was edited by Jane S at June 17, 2018 5:06 AM MDT
      June 17, 2018 5:04 AM MDT

  • 13071
    LOL!! :D
      June 17, 2018 4:52 AM MDT

  • 5808
    Total opposites

      June 16, 2018 2:56 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Both are rich white men over 30 who hold the highest public office in their respective countries, both in North America. 
    That about covers their similarities. Beyond that, they couldn’t be more different. 

    One of these men is well-spoken, wears tailored suits that fit, exudes class and dignity, and has the respect of and for the international community. This same man rose to his office through the ranks of the political system, understands policy, respects the rule of law and knows he was elected to serve the interests of his fellow citizens.

    The other one is named Trump. A living disgrace to humanity. This post was edited by Don Barzini at June 17, 2018 6:52 AM MDT
      June 16, 2018 9:27 PM MDT

  • 11348
    Exactly- cheers and happy weekend! 
      June 16, 2018 9:41 PM MDT

  • 11348
    One can float like a butterfly and sting like a bee - the other one probably couldn't punch his way out of a paper bang (Trudeau is a pretty good boxer). Cheers and happy weekend!
      June 16, 2018 9:38 PM MDT

  • 17641
    Why should you..............................?

    I can think of no reason whatsoever.
      June 17, 2018 12:34 AM MDT

  • 13395
    I placed this item in the 'humor' cattegory -i'm sure even Mr Trump would have a giggle if he watched the video. 
      June 17, 2018 6:57 AM MDT

  • 373
    Trudeau has some intelligence and unlike Trump knows how to talk to people without insulting them.
      June 18, 2018 9:31 AM MDT