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What's the best way for a single parent to make money?

Posted - June 26, 2018


  • 1441
    work... i dunno other ways which are most efficient as working 
      June 26, 2018 2:44 PM MDT

  • I don't think there is a single best way.

    Education and prior work experience make a huge difference to the possible options available.

    The age of the kids and the times you need to be at home for them affects the types of work possible.

    Working as a teacher's aide to assist with disabled children allows you to be at home when kids are not at school.

    If options are limited, housework, sales assistant, waitress, check-out-chick is better than none.

    Many have been successful in starting online businesses. That takes a high level of personal discipline and organisation. And it probably helps to get some training in business.

    Vocational guidance counselors have ways of helping to find a person's best talents and interests.

    The ideal job combines your best skills with your values and goals.

    Many people recommend "following your passion." I think that a load of cod's wallop.
    Of course, it's ideal if what you love is capable of earning money, but what happens if that's not the case?
    For instance, the chances for someone who loves writing literature are less than 1 in 5,000 that he or she will be successful. The writer is forced into copy-writing for ads, pulp-fiction, journalism, tech. manuals, or some unrelated form of work.
    Hundreds of thousands of creatives would rather earn from what they make, but our society will rarely pay more than the costs of the materials because we expect original works to cost no more than machine-made knock-offs.
    While there are lots of famous exceptions, these exceptions cannot change the reality for the majority.
    So unless your passion happens to tesselate perfectly into the thing that society most needs or wants, creativity doesn't work except at the far-less-creative commercial end of the spectrum.

    Have you ever done tests to determine which are your cognitive strengths?
    People are sometimes surprised to discover their abilities are weaker or stronger than they thought.
    As adults, we can learn far more than we think,
    so consider how you could finance your education and/or re-skilling.

    Do you prefer to work outdoors or inside?
    Do you prefer physical, emotional, mental or creative work? Or a mix of these?
    Do you prefer routine or variety?
    Do you prefer to work in a team or independently?
    How do you handle having someone be a boss over you?
      June 26, 2018 4:26 PM MDT

  • 666
    Wow, thanks for taking an interest.
    I already work part-time in the evenings and I own the land that I live on.
    I don't have a lot of extra education.
    I've been working with my hands since I was 15 years old.
    It's not that I can't get a job, I had a really good job doing maintenance for the school division. I was there for 13 years.
    I had to leave that so I could take care of my child.
    Now, I'm just looking for ways to make more money while also being available to watch my son.
    Having a good job title and income might help my dating profile as well.

    I need a high paying, low responsibility, sexy sounding job that I can do from home.
    Shouldn't be hard to find right?

    This post was edited by Summer at June 26, 2018 5:45 PM MDT
      June 26, 2018 5:08 PM MDT

  • 7814
    A Ph.D. in anything.
      June 26, 2018 4:28 PM MDT

  • 44768
    Really? What does a history professor do? Teaches history.
      June 26, 2018 5:22 PM MDT

  • 17660

    Get a job with a big corporation that requires regular business hours with no/little travel, has great family benefits including medical insurance, has high wages, has opportunity to advance, and perhaps pays college tuition for employees.  This is the best kind of employment since your children need consistency and you need to work while they are in school/after-school care.  


    Wells Fargo
    Bank of America

    This post was edited by Thriftymaid at June 26, 2018 5:45 PM MDT
      June 26, 2018 5:34 PM MDT

  • 666
    Thank you for the helpful information.
      June 26, 2018 5:43 PM MDT

  • 14795's a work of Art ,the Forger....:)
      June 26, 2018 5:41 PM MDT

  • 22891
    you could try babysitting
      June 28, 2018 3:57 PM MDT