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Why does PALEFACE think his version of America should rule when his ancestors STOLE THE COUNTRY from people of color? Wackadoodles?

Posted - June 30, 2018


  • When color becomes an obsession, when color becomes the great determining factor in societal, socio-economic and political considerations, when color becomes either the barrier or the route of advancement, when color is used to promote demagoguery or class agitation or friction, THEN you are engaged in BIGOTRY. When no other argument is available and color is used as the last resort (the famous race card) then Bigotry is the result. When you use persons of color as political pawns without sensitivity to what they actually want or need, that's Bigotry raising its ugly head once more. Bigotry is the fuel of fanaticism. With these facts stated, we can alleviate the bigotry and injustices of a hundred years ago by simply eliminating or rewriting history. It's as old as mankind, but it has had a track record of failure going back to ancient times.
      June 30, 2018 1:57 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Easy for those who enjoy white privilege isn't it? So easy to overlook the crimes, the awful, unspeakable actions.. easy to turn the debate into attack as the best form of defence - a way to evade the issue. PS. I am certain you didn't mean to imply that the author of the post is bigoted but just to say that raising an issue and asking a question certainly wouldn't make one a bigot, OR obsessed with colour. 
      July 1, 2018 2:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
      July 1, 2018 2:42 AM MDT

  • The biting sarcasm is in reference to the left's relentless revision of history. Nobody is excusing or justifying injustices of the past. Also, bigotry is the last place of refuge for the extreme left. If you have nothing to contribute, insert color. Everyone that disagrees is an intolerant bigot. It's how these people operate. I guess that the argument was a little too close to the truth. Raising an issue? No problem. Answering a question, again no problem.However, using bigotry to silence opposition is indeed the greatest form of bigotry. I think too, that the argument was self explanatory and entirely appropriate. 
      July 1, 2018 2:54 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Ok this is getting weird.... but let's set the record straight.. the historical situation IS a matter of fact.. only those with very unusual beliefs would think otherwise.. Let's be calm and logical and not start raving about lefties here.. There were people there already... those people initially welcomed the settlers.. The settlers then came into conflict with the natives. The natives were subjugated and wiped out in many cases by disease brought to them by the white settlers and by weapons.. Those aren't sensationalist viewpoints - that's what happened.. There is no other way to explain why the native people are now confined to small areas and do not have the run of their traditional areas.. 

    Whenever someone starts ranting about lefties this always discredits their argument, mainly because it looks like a very weak point given at the stage where the other has run out of valid points and reason. 

    Are you suggesting I am a bigot? Or that there is some, 'too close to the truth' in my case? I am afraid that the cold logic here is that I am neutral, I am merely acting as the voice of reason where I see illogical extremism.

    Just to explain to help you understand, I am neither left nor right, I am neither a bigot nor a racist...  but I do see examples of ignorance and racism, usually dressed up in anger and hateful attacks on those who call it out.. Here in the UK we do still have racism, a fair chunk of it, but in general we are said to be a lot better than the US when it comes to treatment of minorities and colour. SO no it's not an issue for me but it does allow me to look on what you guys are revealing about the issue there.  In the UK we have throughout history a record of being invaded and invading... but in almost all of these cases all of the invaders and invaded were white.. so no, I am afraid it would be illogical to say it's an issue.. 

    Mind you.. there was a finding relatively recently that said the first Brits were actually people of colour - lol now isn't that hilarious and a point to ponder.. maybe that makes us a little more humble in general when it comes to colour :P
      July 1, 2018 3:37 AM MDT

  • 1441
    anyways , it was sure that america was to be taken by white people.... white people had the best civilization at this time, and they took the huge america virgin land for them... native amerindians were not enough developed to protect themselves
      June 30, 2018 2:00 PM MDT

  • 6477
    A correction... white people didn't have the best civilisation - they just had guns and weapons and force.  The local people were unable to defend themselves adequately and as I understand it suffered many deaths from infection caused by exposure to the white people who brought disease with them that the locals had never been exposed to. 
    America wasn't a virgin land.. it was used and populated by native people 
      July 1, 2018 2:21 AM MDT

  • 113301
      July 1, 2018 2:42 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Great words of Wisdon .... No one could have said it better....
    The English of yesteryear stole so much from those that could not defend themselves from guns that could kill from a mile away....
    How would they have fared if their weapons were equal....
      July 1, 2018 3:43 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Now look who is being racist. 
      June 30, 2018 3:13 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Baffled here as to why pointing out the obvious and making a statement about it can be seen as racist ... me thinks that's overkill, a huge defence mechanism to absolve the conscience.

    However, what I was going to say was... lol are you sure he's white? He looks pretty orange to me :P

    Oh and another really important thing... over half, well over half of white Americans think the orange one is wrong and an idiot too :)
      July 1, 2018 2:27 AM MDT

  • 14795
    No one is allowed to state the treads directly on to many toes and gives no wiggle room to those that have benefited it....   
    No criminal likes to give back what the've stolen......It's ok though if you are Royal or another more powerful country...The law then it that Might is Right...  

    How about Austraila and the Aboriginal people.....What the English did to them is also horrific and inexcusable .

      July 1, 2018 3:56 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Yep, we in the UK have nothing to be proud of in our history ion that front that's for sure.  I think one point of difference though is that we do admit we did wrong, we do tell the truth, history teaches what we did and doesn't hide that.. We don't try to rewrite or claim history has been rewritten.. SO that's one difference.. I am guessing we cannot undo what has been done but we can at least acknowledge it and learn from it.
      July 1, 2018 4:01 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I wouldn't be so sure about that.....The Victorious people write History...   Just look at what the Liar Blair was responsible for...
    Youre can't undo what's done and admitting it would cost far to much money if we were taken to court..:( 
      July 1, 2018 4:13 AM MDT