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Who gets more attention at home, you or your pet?

Posted - July 6, 2018


  • "I live alone."  Lucky has been gone for quite some time .

      July 6, 2018 6:39 AM MDT

  • 44543
      July 6, 2018 6:41 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Pussy gets all the attention around here. 
      July 6, 2018 7:13 AM MDT

  • 44543
    I here ya.
      July 6, 2018 7:36 AM MDT

  • 10026
    It depends on who you ask, the pet or the person.
    I'm going to have to agree with our pets.   We do.  They are happy when we are happy and vice versa.  Shoot, we all keep each other happy! happy!  :) :)
      July 6, 2018 9:31 AM MDT

  • I'm a lot like my pet. She's a cat. We're both aloof, we both like it quiet, we both want to be left alone a lot of the time...but we give each other a fair amount of attention :)
      July 6, 2018 10:08 AM MDT

  • 9
    both of us equally
      July 6, 2018 10:09 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Probably my cat gets most attention.  We just ignore each other most of the time but he will come sit and stare at me when he wants something -to be fed or to be brushed.  He always comes to the door when I get home and meows at me for being gone for so long. He is about 6 years old,  i've had him for 8 months now -got him from a friend who found him as a stray.
      July 6, 2018 10:20 AM MDT

  • 10558
    Well of course my pets. 

    As it states in the official cat book - "Cats must have all the attention all the time.  The dog may only have a minimal amount of attention if the cat(s) so deam or are busy eating fish.  The only time servants may be paid attention to is if they are returning from a hunt with fish.  If they return from a hunt with no fish, they are to be shunned.  If they return from a hunt twice with no fish, the alpha cat must remind the srvant how to properly hunt using whatever is currently available (e.g. mouse, cricket, frog, moth).  If the servant fails to bring fish by the third hunt, it shall receive a hairball and be shunned until dinner time."
      July 6, 2018 3:20 PM MDT

  • 22891
    me since i dont have a pet
      July 9, 2018 5:40 PM MDT