Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Are there any questions you would NEVER ask of anyone? I don't mean private personal intimate questions. Standard questions?
LOL this is just a tongue in cheek joke but... I wouldn't ask someone if they were a Trump supporter - it would be hard to look at them the same after such a disappointing revelation :P
I reconnected with a long-ago friend a couple of months ago Addb. I asked her that question or rather I asked if she were a Dem or a Republican. She hedged. So I didn't pursue it and we avoided the subject of politics. Usually you don't have to ask. You can tell by what they say. Waiting Rooms are great places for that. You get in a room with a bunch of Reublicans who wax poetic about how great King don is and how awful those folks who disagree with are. I never say a word. They're like a swarm of bees that delight in stinging just for the he** of it. There are zillions of pockets of King don supporters. They all sound alike. They all look alike. They all think alike. Easy to spot. Silence is golden. It is also uncomfortable sometimes! Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Sunday to thee. Which makes me think of a question. :)