Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If ya question whether or not someone is a RACIST don't you already know the answer? Isn't always so obvious you don't need to question it?
President Trump is the least racist person I know. Its the left that play the race card to stir up trouble between the parties. They are a bunch of spineless bullies who would rather call everyone , except themselves, racist. If it were not for there constant belly aching about racism being alive and well today, we would be a lot better off, just like we were before they lost the election and started acting like two year olds. I live in the deep south, and even the black people here think the left is trying to stir up trouble where no trouble is even present. The black friends I have, all voted for Trump, and see the left as the racists , not Trump. Its just another tactic to tear people apart in America who dont believe in their ideologies. If you support Trump, you are a racist, if you support Trump you are a Nazi, if you support Trump, you hate gays and women and on and on. I dont remember a recent time in history were race was brought up and made such a big deal about than I do now. There is not one iota of proof to substantiate the claims of racism that the left make against our President and his supporters. They have run out of tactics to get the american public to hate Trump, so they are playing the race card and it isnt working . It just makes them look more foolish then they already do, if thats even possible.
I saw on a TV analysis of the 2016 election that people of color who voted for President Trump, and there were lots more of them than had voted Republican in recent years, did so because they believed in self-determination rather than victimhood - that is being cast as helpless victims. Its so weird : am 60 and was never accused of being a "racist" until now! I think because I choose not to bow down to or give credence to or pay lip service to the supposedly "enlightened" models of behavior the liberals have set up for us. We are supposed to weep and wail and tear our hair out and become subservient because we are supposed to believe we grew up in and live in a "racist" and "sexist" and "imperialistic" and capitalist country and oh how are we to redeem ourselves? Well I was never taught that my country was perfect but I was damned sure taught to believe in the greatness and rightness and freedom of our best institutions which I will continue to do regardless of what I am told to do. Self-determination and personal responsibility being two of them. Once we label ourselves as "victims" then we are admitting we can't take care of ourselves and must turn our care over to others. Which I will be damned if I will do. I may not even go on Medicare!
But don't you see what you have here said is to question anyone is to condemn them. Which is entirely self-centered. So someone doesn't agree with you then you can automatically question and condemn them. Pretty convenient. Also pretty narrow and bigoted.
Everyone one of us has some prejudice inside us, but only the strong and respectful care to hide it. Trump doesn't hide his racisms...
We could all take a lesson from crayons: Some are sharp, some are beautiful, some have weird names, all are different colors but they all have to learn to live in the same box. The only place that you can see different colors together without fighting is a box of crayons.
Here’s the problem with racism: the word is thrown out way too much. The word has been watered down by leftists to demonize those who don’t strictly follow the far leftist ideology. Racism exists in every political party, every race, and every other walk of life. Ask black conservatives who they’re treated. They’re called “Uncle Tom”, “sell out to white man”, and other the n word because they aren’t leftist. As long as people have free will racism will exist.
By the way, Trump was never accused of being a racist or a pervert until he ran for president. Every conservative who wins the nomination is labeled a racist and a bigot. The left needs a new game plan.
This post was edited by Rizz at July 8, 2018 4:26 PM MDT
A meme featuring several images of Donald Trump posing with prominent African-Americans was widely circulated on Facebook in May 2016, along with the claim that the real estate mogul was “never once accused of being racist by anyone” until he started his 2016 presidential campaign (and implying that he was being accused of racism purely for the purpose of scoring political points).
However, Trump was accused of racism long before he announced that he was running for president. According to the New York Times, one of Trump’s first newspaper appearances was in 1973, when the Trump Management Corporation was sued by the Department of Justice and charged for violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968:
“The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’ ” The Times reported. “It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.
Was he accused at the frequency he is now? No he wasn’t. When Romney ran he wa painted as a racist bigot. The left left accuses every opponent of bing a racist and sexist bigot. Any white republicans candidate will always be protrayed this way.
I deapise both parties myself. There are racists in the republican party. There’s also racists in the Democratic Party. One clear example of the hypocritical intolerance of the far left is how they treat women and minorities who are republicans and/or conservative. Both parties play identity politics and demonize the other side. Neither side truly runs on their beliefs and principles. Some people, escecialy on this are so biased they cannot think rationally or logically.
Some very 'interesting' replies here.. I believe he is a racist, based on his reaction to a protest that went wrong, our PM chastised him for his comments which definitely WERE supportive of groups that are known to be racist... And his policies which target people who are non-white would seem to confirm that.. I think people sometimes have a very selective or is it defensive view about such things.. but I would also say that regardless of whether he is a racist, he's still the biggest idiot I've ever seen elected.
Also the most evil. The most easily played due to his insatiable need for approval. His entire body is an Achilles Heel. He is a playground for the devious/clever/crafty. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)