Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Talk is cheap. "No one is above the law". Bullsh**! If Congress REFUSES to impeach a prez then he IS ABOVE THE LAW. RIGHT?

Talk is cheap. "No one is above the law". Bullsh**! If Congress REFUSES to impeach a prez then he IS ABOVE THE LAW. RIGHT?

The toady sycophantic scairdy cat Republican majority Congress should be working on Articles of Impeachment right now. Instead they are working to protect trump from answering for all the nefarious ungodly unAmerican  treasonous traitorous evil criminal things he has done and is still doing. Conspiring, colluding, lawbreaking, destroying. They sit on their a**es doing nothing. Of what use are they to we the people? We pay them for not doing their job. How stupid dumb are we?  SIGH. It gets uglier and worser and awfuller and embarrassinger until some end will show up and hit us smack in the face or a** . What a gas!  :(

Posted - July 13, 2018


  • 6477
    Personally I cannot believe he is STILL prez.. so many things he has done wrong, acted like an idiot, damaged relations, lied, failed to deliver, allowed wrongdoing.. and yet he seems to be allowed to behave like a complete armpit...
      July 13, 2018 12:45 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It is the inept impotent spineless whiny scairdy cat Republicans in the House who do nothing but lie and attack and obfuscate and deny. It is THEIR JOB to be a check-and-balance system to the Executive branch and all they are doing is servicing  and protecting the traitorous actions of the trump and attacking/insulting/denigrating anyone who tells them what useful idiots and  mediocrities they are. We should fire every Republican in the House. SIGH.  Thank you for your reply Addb. !:)
      July 14, 2018 4:43 AM MDT