If you attend what denomination do you attend? Are you in a ministry there? How long have you attended?
Is there a church that teaches "Thou shalt not insert rogue apostrophes into the word ITS"? If so, that's the church I will attend and I will build my faith around that.
none of your business
I do. There is not one teaching I disagree with. It is an ever abundant fountain of spiritual food that I hunger for. To be away from there is to miss it unless I realize I am always there. It fortifies me into remembering this. I wish you bliss with your Church like I receive any time I go there.
If I told you about my church you would think I was making it up.
My church is like Harry Potter to the Muggles. My church is like The Elves to the Hobbits. You have to have the eyes and heart and spiritual development to even see what it really offers.
It has taught me a lesson we all need to consider. There is only ONE God, but He has all forms. Every religion is a wonderful guideline to God if you but understand the teachings.
All are pathways to God. ALL. ARE.
I have a little difficulty reconciling this with some of the things and.responses you post in here. No attack intended. Just an observation. Why not be like that all the time?
Like I said, just an.observation.
How bout one that teaches humility and let others be without ridiculing them for the use of a simple little line. Would you be interested in that one?
I'm quite happy to let others be, NHP, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't comment on incorrect word usage, does it? Somebody has to point out things like that, otherwise it would be even more rampant than it already is.
When I was like 5 or 6 my mother would send me to vacation bible school. To get me out of the house for a while, I guess. That was my entire training in church stuff. I always wondered what the church did with the pennies and nickels they collected from the kids. Somebody taught from Genesis where it speaks of the greater light and the lesser light, and they added "the sun and the moon". Well, I was not a stupid kid. I knew very well that the moon is not a light. So my entire religious education was based on the knowledge that my teachers did not know their subject.
Then I met some people from a bible research institute. Now those people knew their subject, and it was nothing like what the church people taught. But they couldn't practice what they preached. When the main man died, the institute crumbled. So nothing has changed in the church business.
But I did learn about the two lights. It's a very long story: http://saturniancosmology.org/
Oh, ok, well my bad then, I didn't know you saw it as a public service.
I can be very sloppy in my writing sometimes, sorry.
I appreciate any help I can get. But it hurts when people are sarcastic.
I am only asking to those who would like to answer:)
Ok but please consider that Jesus gives a warning that the only way to the Father is through Him because only he died for your sins so you don't have to be punished if you repent and have faith in Jesus.
"I am the truth the way and the life NO One comes to the Father but through me." John 14:6
I agree
God gave the moon as a light to us at night. That has nothing to do with where the light comes from. But thank you