Hi dear Welby ~ :)! Me too! If we listen for a minute, maybe we'll catch the clue. I have to go out and finish cleaning the car but I'll be back in about a half hour. Until then, watch the fort and listen for the buffalos! Love Ya! Love, Merlin
Translation: Bison from Buffalo, New York who are intimidated by other bison in their community also happen to intimidate other bison in their community.
I hope not! I like you 66 and the Element 99 just fine. I especially like the fact you are drunk without the stroke thank you. Being 66 and Element 99 has promises for you the whole year! have you thought of that as you wax your car, tools and all?
This post was edited by Merlin at July 22, 2018 7:47 AM MDT
Huge Giggles!! Actually we are going for an afternoon delight together. He's taking me for a wonderfully long ride. We are going to enjoy free and live music in a park at a beach. And it's free. Yipppeeee!! Good thing I finished it yesterday....only to happily dirty it, once again, today!!! No work on Sunday, you know. ;) ;)!!