Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Tough talk to the leader of Iran in no way mitigates cozying up to the leader of Russia. One does NOT cancel out the other. Does it?
The PO(tu)S is nothing more than a cowardly windbag... all talk from afar, but up close he caves like sand in the tide. He's like that looser at high school. Always bragging about his "accomplishments", calling everyone names, but when confronted he runs away bawling.
Remember N Korea? From afar, the PO(tu)S was ready to start a nuclear war with "little rocket man". But up close, suddenly Kim's his "best buddy"... so much so that he conceded things to him without any compensation... on Kim's "word"????
Firm with Russia? Why he sold out his country and handed his BFF the keys to the white house.
Now he's "taking on" Iran. He's strutting his plumage trying to provoke them ... all in an effort to draw attention away from his treasonous actions with Vlad. That's right, go and jab that stick into a hornets nest. Eventually something will come out. ("look, I killed this "huge" hornet. Am I the greatest president or what?").
Is there a country left he hasn't tried to rile up?
Russia. He does nothing but brown nose and kiss a** and suck up to Putin and Russia. He is terrified of his puppetmaster and so on every occasion he is obsequious, oleagenous, sycophantically toadyish and completely embarrasses himself though he and his supporters are either unaware of it or very aware of it and refuse to admit it. Either way TGITWH always finds a way to hurt himself the most. He is bleeding out of every orifice. He is crippled and hobbling yet he believes he is in full control and masterful. Fantasy delusion is a very powerful thing. It will continue and double and triple and his supporters will be right there with him hanging in hanging on and eventually left hanging in the wind. It is inevitable. They could save themselves right now if they chose but they won't. Because that would mean they were wrong all along and no one is that honest or brave. Thank you for your thoughtful and helpful reply Shuhak. I guess last night he lost it Twitterwise and was all over the place with invective directed at many and his usual adorable vindictive self kept on ticking that that little pink rabbit that runs on batteries. He is very cute isn't he? SIGH. :(
Nothing beats TOUGH TALK to the allies, our world leaders who support this now tattered nation of ours.
Let's not worry about not insulting PUTIN. Let's worry about all the insults aimed at Canada and the rest of free Europe.
Without mentioning his buddy Trump by name, France's Macron just tore into the US president's policies
French President Emmanuel Macron addressed Congress Wednesday. He warned against embracing isolationism and nationalism. Congress gave Macron a warm welcome.
The swirling whirling abyss awaits. The townspeople are arming. They are planning. They will be executing the plan and be ready for the bullyboys who want to take over the town. People power! The bullyboys have no clue what kind of reception they will be getting. SIGH. Surprises are so nice to plan aren't they? Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)