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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is what NORMAL is. You are given a project. You work on it until it is COMPLETED. You don't abort it in the middle. Do you?

This is what NORMAL is. You are given a project. You work on it until it is COMPLETED. You don't abort it in the middle. Do you?

Sure you might get bored and find the work tedious and uninspiring but you don't quit because you're tired of working on it or because you are afraid of what the conclusion will show. You forge on. You soldier on. You go on until it is done completed ended over and you have a result. So the folks who want to shut down the Russia investigation clearly have never in their lives worked on a project or they'd know you don't just shut it down cause someone wants you to. Do you ? Do YOU?

Posted - July 23, 2018


  • 46117
    Well, thinking like that means we cannot impeach the abortion.

    I'd say let's trash this idea and start anew.

      July 23, 2018 9:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel Sharon. Of course it could just be those lightening flashes you get sometimes when your retina is breaking up. We gotta let it run its course. I think Mueller is now at the door of TGITWH and ready to knock. He doesn't need to interview. He already has all the evidence he will ever need. Why would he waste any time at all on a known compulsive liar? That shoe is getting ready to drop. Any time now. Any time. Thank you for your reply and the graphic!:) This post was edited by RosieG at July 24, 2018 3:26 AM MDT
      July 24, 2018 3:25 AM MDT