Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does EVERY PREZ have an Enemies List? Is that just the nature of politics? Is the difference among them how they use it? Do you have one?

Does EVERY PREZ have an Enemies List? Is that just the nature of politics? Is the difference among them how they use it? Do you have one?

Do you think a prez who has an Enemies List is ugly unDemocratic unAmerican? That is how the TGITWH enenies list is being characterized. Would you rather be on his or Nixon's? Being on Nixon's enemies was a mark of distinction and a reward for speaking up and speaking out and refusing to roll over and be door mat. Is TGITWH enemies list inclusion as priceless and desirable?

Posted - July 24, 2018


  • 11425
    I imagine ever president  has a emery's list and the difference is in how you use it. I also imagine Trumps list is on a chalk board because one day you are his enemy and the next day your his friend (like Kim)  or vise versa one day your a friend the next day your an enemy. So with a chalk board  Thump could erase or add names easily. Cheers!
      July 24, 2018 9:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Excellent point Nanoose. He flips and reverses and backtracks and flipflop 24/7. It would be a VERY MESSY LIST with white outs and cross outs and lines drawn through the very stable genius is very unstable when it comes to folks he likes and folks he don't. He is extremely pretzelized in that regard. The only exercise he gets . Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday. I didn't think of a chalkboard.T-RRIFIC!
      July 24, 2018 10:02 AM MDT