Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Isn't a zealot a zealot? What's the diff between religious zealots(Iran) and political zealots (TGITWH et al)? Isn't the goal the same?
A zealot is simply out of balance. A zealot only sees one color and no shades or nuances to any color but his own blazing white fire of TRUTH. They cannot see past their noses. There are a lot of these creatures under the title of Libertarian. Evangelical. Terrorist. You know the type. No one else's cause matters because GOD is on their side and their side alone.
And let's not forget how much money God wants and needs to further this cause.
You know the folks who amuse me most not? Those who tell us that GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH! They evangelicalize it on TV and elsewhere saying it's not only OK to be obscenely wealthy and SELFISH( as the Ayn Rands of the world proselytize) that is what GOD WANTS FOR HIS CHILDREN. Ever hear anything that qualifies as BULLSH** more than that? Telling us what GOD WANTS? How dare they presume assume they KNOW? Sigh. The arrogant self-righteous who embody that crap is more than anyone can handle. Anyone who is a human being that is. Let them frolic together in their golden palaces potting conniving lying denying treacherousing and traitoring in unison. I want no part of that or them. Thank you for your reply and the nifty graphic Sharon. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 25, 2018 5:20 AM MDT