About a month ago, the results arrived, and similar to the people you see in those television commercials for various ancestry services, he was surprised to find out the wide range of regions of the world from which he descended, such to the point that he was actually disappointed. I asked him if he was at least satisfied in knowing, even though the information was not what he had expected. He told me that in the end, he regretted the entire experience and would have preferred not finding out. If he had the choice of turning back the clock, he wishes he would have never participated in it.
Please select any or all of these questions below.
A. Have you researched your own family tree?
A. Have you researched your own family tree?
Yes. Both my parents were into genealogy, and I found it interesting. How far back can we trace it? What did people do? I really like finding actual records (census, land records, etc).
Exactly my thinking.
Quote: " he was surprised to find out the wide range of regions of the world from which he descended, such to the point that he was actually disappointed "
It sounds like he was disappointed to have ancestors that weren't as "pure" as he expected.
You're right (Randy), that we don't know him ... so just going off what you wrote. Sorry if I misinterpreted the sentence.
Personally, I'll be interested to find out if my ancestry isn't as English/German as my parents genealogy research says.
I mean, I know science currently says we all came from Africa originally.
A. Have you researched your own family tree?